Tobytyke, are you in a position to manufacture any of these if you / we managed to get the dimensions and design right?
I could get them manufactured, and would be happy to pursue it if given some accurate dimensions/information
There could be some legal and technical considerations that we know nothing about going on, and therefore it would be wrong for anyone on this forum to speculate on what has happened and/or what is going on. I'm sure that an official statement from all interested parties and relevant action will be forthcoming in due course.
This is not the more serious one which reported inadequate tensile strength if you read back.... as El T says - there must be a few pieces of the jigsaw missing yet.
STU Type Approval for functional safety would have to be obtained before anything could be put on the open market
WOW! this thread is alarming in the least! Is there any update? Or has anyone has the support brackets engineered?
Sorry to dig this up again, has anyone made technical drawings on this that i could use to get these made up? Can get a friend with a CNC machine to get them made up Please please PM me if someone has them drawn up already