Thanks for all the help and info peeps. I now am in the modern era with an iphone 4s , didn't need the 5 as i'm new to smart phones anyway. just updated with the iOS6. Once I've sorted the camera and how to post, I can be a bit more proactive on here.
Oy Apple don't make smart phones, they make phones... HTC make smart phones.. And BaggaZee Let me google that for you don't run on my iPad
In My Opinion , once u've ad an i-phone , u won't go back !!! Recently bought an i-pad , awesome too ........... & when my PC , Windows , piece of shite finally gives up the ghost , i'll be looking for an Apple mac
lol, Ive had iPhones and help people who have new iPhones understand why they are unable to do simple things we HTC users do daily... lol But I'm always up for some Apple Crapingtosh banter..
I was recently up for an upgrade... I was telling my GF how I wasn't going to get an iphone, I don't need an iphone, too expensive those iphones... I go into the shop, salesman says "would you like an iphone?" "yup" says I.... I've been subliminally brainwashed....!!! Now I have it, I think it's great. It strange to sit and watch people now though isn't it? Even on holiday, lovely exotic location, new things to do and see.... Yet every evening the reception area was packed (wifi) with people starring into the ether....
Nothing funny about 'Blip- verts' imo. I find it sad that our society is so tolerant and ignorant of practices like this that carry on a subliminal level. I too have noticed that lately I have been looking online for smart phones. wtf, I have been happy with my cheapest possible mobile phone I bought in India about 7 years ago for £10, Can make a phone call and send a txt no problem, why on earth have I lately started to think I need a smart phone I can only think is down to subliminal advertising. These things definitely do not make people any happier or improve the quality of there lives at all, it's all Maya ( illusion). I have been noticing the increase in people hypnotized by their devices , barely noticing what's going on around them. Nelson, you have sold out mate, fight until the bitter end!
I'm not a gadget freak. I was perfectly happy with my old oh-so-uncool Nokia until a couple of years ago. But I got bored of having some meetings in a notepad, some on my Mac and missing half of them. And I got bored of having to scroll through loads of menus every time I wanted to send a text in English, instead of French, or vice versa. Then I had some people in my Contacts on the Mac and not on the Nokia and vice versa. Etc. Etc. iPhone has cured all that. Now everything is complete and in the same place. And I don't need an iPod anymore either, and half the time no digital camera too. As for stocking it up with Angry Birds and mindless games, mine is fun-free. But I'm not going to start arguing the toss with Samsung fan people. They no doubt all do the same things, but the iPhone is seriously a hugely useful life-simplifier.
I almost ran some Burberry baseball hatted chav over while he was gorking into his phone a few years ago. I gave him a toot on the horn to alert him to my presence and get of of the fecking road! Bugger me if he didn't follow me to Sainsbury's car park and want to "punch my f**king head in" :biggrin:
Is it broken (jailbroken)? I may upgrade my sensation (iPhone 5 eater) to this 1.7GHz quad-core processor HTC One X+ Overview - HTC Smartphones
Like my not broken....I like to think of it as having had some subtle modifications to make it suit my taste........