Mugello August 2017 Focused Events

Discussion in 'Trackdays & Rider Skills' started by GreenOn, Dec 10, 2016.

  1. Well, after attending this years event at Mugello, seems only fair that I should go to next years event. I have some unfinished business with the circuit, don't think I got to grips with it even after three days riding it.

    If you have not been, and are keen on European track days, put it on your bucket list, I have been to numerous Euro events, but none like this one. Never have I seen so much tricked up weaponry, it was like watching a WSB grid forming up to go out, the Italians really know how to do it right.

    Oh, and it was a lovely 36 degrees, bit too hot really, so I tried to not complain to much. :sunglasses: :italy:
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  2. Oof, 36? That's redders. Nice cold, heavy, soggy leathers to slip into each morning. Lurverly! Ha ha..

    Deffo on my radar, Mugello. I've made a double booking of Slovakiaring and Brno in June with Tracksense. Looking forward to that trip.
  3. With Mugello and focused events is it exclusive to them?

    I've heard that some track day operators that hold events in Italy add on additional charges for garages, electrical points etc and also that the track isn't exclusive to them meaning Italian track day companies are also there while you are there, was this the case when you went?

    Mugello and Jerez are on my bucket list to do though!
  4. Mugello this year was not exclusive to FE, an Italian company called Promo Racing ran the event, a truly professional outfit, make our track days look second rate. The best run trackday that I have been on in nearly twenty years of doing them. £25 extra a day for a garage, no charge for electric, most of the Italian riders camp out in the paddock and don't use the garages, its looks like a WSB paddock, some serious machinery, you buy your fuel from an onsite petrol stand, take a container. Each garage has a timing screen that shows everyone's sector times and fastest speed down the front straight, no hiding. Ran four groups, not a problem, more than enough track time in that heat, every group went out on time, two red flags in three days, take plenty of Mozzie repellent, a real pain back at the hotel pool. Everyone I went with this year has already booked for 2017 so that says something.

    See you all there. :sunglasses: :italy:
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  5. I have never done a Euro trackday before, is this one you would recommend? What are FE like for transporting your bike and equipment?
  6. duc996bp, yes I would recommend the Mugello event no question, a proper MotoGP track experience. At this years event I helped unload at least five Superleggeras off the FE transport and numerous very expensive track bikes. Some people wrap their bike in bubble wrap, blankets, some people don't put anything on them, your choice.
    I have been using FE for nearly ten years on Euro events, they have been great, already booked on three Euro events for next year with them.
    Mugello this year was by far the best track day that I have ever been on in nearly 20 years of doing them, so don't worry, just book it. Tuscany in August riding a full on MotoGP track, what's not too like.
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  7. Can o' worms...:tearsofjoy:
  8. GreenOn... so you dont have to be a Superstar to do these events? The slow group wouldn't be full of ex-racers?
    Nelson, your experience not so good?
    • WTF WTF x 1
  9. I'd strongly advise against doing any euro trackday event!
    Before you know it yo'll be addicted, you'll loose all your friends, (except for other addicts) your job will become simply a means of paying for more, more and more! :D
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. No you don't have to be a Superstar, transponders fitted to each bike, so you get put in the right group, usually four groups.
  11. I have read you need some sort of trackday insurance for european events, can anyone recommend who to get this from?
  12. PJ Hayman
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  13. Holiday safe
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  14. Has to cover repatriation.
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  15. BenGo or 4Counties. 4Counties has a tie in with FE so you get a discount off your premium. Andy
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  16. Six of the South West Massive booked on this event now, only one Ducati though, assuming its still running after Imola the week before. :sunglasses::italy:
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  17. That sounds good. Brno is excellent. Went there last year. Great track.
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  18. We booked up the Mugello and Imola week :) Will be on the R for sure.
  19. People still having problems with FE then?

    I have to say I have never had a problem but I just never thought that their events were well organised.

    We always go with No Limits. Well organised. No crap. If someone is being an arse on track they tell them to behave or fuck off.

    Bike transport is excellent using crates designed for carrying bikes. Competitively priced.

    I wouldn't go with anyone else.
  20. I only use FE, although may try one of the new companies that started up recently, don't use No Limits anymore.
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