Final Nog Update!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ducmadman, Nov 21, 2012.

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  1. Like many others I met David through DD. I didn't know him well but was happy to have him on my Facebook friends list. He always struck me as a decent enough chap although I did think he came across as a little needy, always wanting to impress people, men and women, so they would be his friend. Anyone remember the Elvis Presley Harley Davidson barn find on Ducatisti? My ex-wife met him at Cadwell in 2007 during a DD meet. She said she couldn't put her finger on it but there was just something about him that she didn't like.

    I really don't know why anyone ever got their bike serviced by him. His race bike DNF'd so many times due to mechanical failures.

    I'm saddened to hear that someone I know has been caught carrying out this horrible crime. It sort of shakes my trust in everyone I know and has really brought home to me that you never really know people that well. I'll be even more careful about who I trust my kids with from now on, although I would never have left mine with David as I didn't know him well enough.

    I'm also really glad that he has been caught. I could gush on about how I hope he gets better, rejoins society and contributes, but actually right this minute I don't give a damn about him. I'm just glad he's been stopped. As someone said earlier, this could have been a real kid, not some cop, and who knows what the outcome might have been. I suspect that had this sting not taken place then he probably would have gone on to offend at some point. What a horrible disgusting thought. Well done to the police for stopping him.

    If you ever read this David, you've been removed from my FB friends list. Don't ever contact me. I want nothing to do with you.
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  2. My only ever contact with him was years ago when I was selling a DD bike ready to race. Price agreed we met at a motorway services and did the deal. He was buying it "for a young girl he knew" to get her on the starting grid. He began to question the price which I didn't want to discuss. Pay up or get lost.

    Then a rather odd scene where he introduced the girl who was in the van, trying a little too much to seal the deal in his favour. I took an immediate and distinctive dislike of him. The "girl" scenario didn't seem to stack up TBH.

    These people NEVER reform and hopefully prison will teach him the lessons he deserves to learn.
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  3. Mel I admire you standing up and telling us
    What is upsetting and hard to come to terms with is letting you down when you needed someone :-(

    I don't believe for one minute you started this post.

    I guess when I met the man I was surrounded by alot of male presence which didn't leave me vunerable and never alone with him.
  4. I have not been on the site for some time. but knew of Nogs incarceration one week after Aug 23rd which is the day he was placed on remand. I was informed of where he was and with his ID number found he was charged with 3 separate offenses during the month of August. As a lot of folk on here will know, I was one of Davids closest friends, one of the real ones that you can count on one hand. I have learned from individuals (worded like that for a purpose) about the nature of the first offenses and it is quite abhorrent.

    I don't believe he was entrapped suddenly, he must have been trying to groom youngsters prior to the police monitoring him. I also believe things have been occurring in the interim period, as he kept in touch with people from his first incarceration.
    I agree the mattress in the van appears pre-meditated but in fairness it was always there as he slept in the paddocks. He wrote me a letter about 3 weeks into his remand, I was fully aware at that time why he was there.

    I wrote back stating a few things and ending with that, this will be my first and only correspondence. Since the arrival of my letter and the time I took to reply about 3 days he had been moved to a wing for vulnerable adults, inmates are non to forgiving for Davids offenses.

    I don't know where he will go when he gets out, as he has shattered so many peoples feelings, mine also.
    I'm not putting anything else, as its really not the place. I just hope that he can redeem himself somewhere when he is released. Just as an aside I had no idea and was mortified when I first read the charges, trying to find a logical explanation.

    He never did me a wrong un and was good to a lot of people, but I cannot befriend him ever again.
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  5. Shocked, horrified and deeply saddened.
  6. Maybe accidentally having a younger date of birth and younger photos in one profile... :wink:

    Twice is a fkup by anyones standards? The trouble with paedos is that they dont realise what they are doing is wrong? If that gets them off they will continue to pursue it...

    Heres hoping he gets a "huge" coloured chap as a cellmate who takes a liking to him. :upyeah:
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  7. I don't know either. His advice/information was frequently misguided and incorrect and he didn't like being told otherwise.

  8. I have no reason to doubt Phil's words, but this is not the information I was given. If this is the case, I have been lied to and mislead into giving my support to him. I don't know what to think.
  9. Like most of us Jerry
    Think you may have been taken in too
  10. I'm still shocked and abhorred by this.
  11. So you think a way of wishing someone ill is for their companion to be "coloured"? Am I the only one to find that totally objectionable on several levels?
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  12. Pete - you are not thinking this through... its more a case of what they will be doing to him than what colour they are, he could be neon green with a hint of fuchsia for what it matters?? :rolleyes:
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  13. But him being coloured sounds better ! or should that be beater.:biggrin:
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  14. As the OP from the post " where's nog?" and not this thread, I've just re read this thread in attempt to come up with a reasoned reply, but so far I'm stumped. I don't think any of us will ever know the full facts, but it does appear that Nog has made a huge mistake, not once but twice, which leads me to the opinion that I'm glad I didn't get the servicing work I was after, and grateful that the money I'd prepaid was via credit card and has been refunded. As a parent of 2 girls I'm glad he's not able to continue to chase underage girls, at least for a while, but wish there was something that could be done to ensure he doesn't re-offend! I hope I've not upset anyone with my posts as that was not my intention. Chris
  15. What sort of core skills would be required for that.....hey perhaps you have been entrapped....:wink:
  16. That is why I never scratch any one till I can make my own mind up based on facts I know to be correct. If I can not get the facts I keep my distance but still try to stay in touch just in case ...

    I believe every sick person deserves help from society, especially those who are sick by birth or random, not self inflicted sicknesses'. People talk about humanity in situations like that, well you know man is sick where is your humanity when you turn around and walk away? No one has to like him for what he did, no one has to agree with what he did, no one has to be directly involved with helping him that is where specialists come in. However not turning away and letting him know what you think he done wrong the least one's might be the first step for person like him to realise he done wrong. Which might help with recovery. If later on professional believes he did not improve and says he stays in for another 5y fine by me, if he decides to release and monitor fine by me again.

    Seems like Ghosts attitude is very much spot on. Get info from horses mouth, do your own look up you can trust and make a informed call.

    Looking at things, searching for things I did not find much but without knowing case number it is to be expect. I did however find few conflicting things that raise my eye brow in a good and in a bad way.
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  17. I think we should thank ducmadman whoever he is for bringing this to our attention. Whether we like it or not.
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  18. Andy leave jokes about entrapment for your other thread :) You agree or disagree with entrapment is a hole different subject if you want start a thread, state your case.
  19. I guess it goes down to the reputation our ethnically hued brothers have for a larger ummm 'endowment' that his more sunburn susceptible brother.
  20. Lucaz, David is very well educated, is a proficient speaker or as some would put it has the Gift of the Gab. He would appear to be very impressionable to a youngster. He may not believe/think he is/has done wrong. Anyway that's my last. I'll read up till 22:00 and hope that time is a healer.

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