@chizel .....Dude and I will be at the Ace for 12 tomorrow. Be there or be square....we'll be looking out for yer. Quick background for anyone turning up and wants to Chat, my bro lost his leg in a Multistrada versus car incident in July 2015. Andrew cannot walk without two sticks, but we are hoping for an improvement over then next 12 months. He's not hung up on it and rides more than I can. Nice guy, it runs in the family. Please come over and say hello. I'm the heavier guy limping along next to him looking for a sympathy cup of tea.
Be good to meet you after all this time cyber chatting @AirCon but dont try and sell me a system, Im not polite to salesmen anymore.
On here it's a wind up, but still the best way to look after a man cave (funds permitting). In real life I more likely to talk myself out of a sale. Engineer first, salesman second.
Hmm, that's a shame, can't get there for this one but maybe next time. Hope you all have an enjoyable time. Keep us posted Pete, when's the next one? To Pete and Aircon, I hope this year is better for you than last year.
Completely understandable given the circumstances. Good to see your sense of humour hasn't been damaged though.