
Discussion in 'Forum How To's - create an Avatar/Event/Group etc?' started by Nasher, Jan 1, 2017.

  1. Ok, I probably wasn't taking any notice when I joined up.

    How many 'Conversations' (PMs to the rest of the world) can you have in your folder?

    And if I'm reaching my limit, how the hell do I delete them?
    Can't find that anywhere.


  2. The best you can do is to pick the option to 'leave conversation'
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Either leave them or delete those you no longer need/want.
  4. Like Simon, I've never found out how to delete messages Terry -could you show us where please?
  5. There is currently 500 ish in mine - how many do you have?
  6. No where near that many.

    But I do know that on most forums members are limited to the number of Private messages they can keep simply to preserve server space.

    I've seen several posts when searching that say simply delete what you don't want, but there is, as far as I can see, no 'button' or menu choice that says delete.

  7. Well I just go to the conversation folder (showing all the conversations) click on the little box on the left of the conversation you want to delete, press delete.

    Job jobbed:)
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  8. This is going to sound daft, but where is the delete button/menu option?

    I honestly can't see it.

  9. When you tick the box on the left hand side of the conversation you want to delete there should be a drop down menu and one of the options should be "delete". If there isn't I really wouldn't worry. There are far more important things in life ;)
  10. Not worried, just confused now.

    From my screen

  11. Maybe 'Deselect Conversations' ?
  12. Or leave conversation (that's a different drop down than I get as admin)
  13. click on leave and 2 options will come up. 1 accept future msgs, which will restore conversation to ya inbox or 2 which will permanently remove it.
    • Like Like x 1

  14. There is no delete option I checked earlier
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  15. see above x
    • Love You Love You x 1
  16. I saw it after I posted

    Just to check
    Press leave conversation then don't accept future posts

    Oh hang on ..... :D
  17. and if that doesn't work put it in the toaster
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Keep conversing till you can converse no more :)
  19. yea then start another profile!
  20. so, (as already said) there is no facility to DELETE on my version - best you can do is 'leave conversation' which I guess is supposed to mean the same..
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