Hobbies That Bring Presence, Mindfulness, Whatever You Want To Call It...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Outliar, Jan 3, 2017.

  1. Prompted by the post by @gliddofglood today, it set me thinking. Lots of people like us enjoy that aspect of riding bikes that yields a sense of living fully in the moment, feeling alive, fully aware of the environment and our place in the world. Whilst Continental touring you feel the change in weather as you head south, and you are in it rather than an observer from inside a tin cocoon. Just commuting gives the same sense of freedom and connection to place and time.

    Lots of bikers are also sailors, I suspect for similar reasons. Bikes and boats have a similar impact on attention and awareness, anchoring us both in the present moment and in the nature of our experience and environment. That feeling of centre calms or even stops the torrent of thoughts that constitutes the stream of consciousness that we experience as life.

    A friend of mine is an RYA Examiner who lives on the Algarve in Portugal where he runs his sailing tuition business from. I met him in 2006 when he was in his late 70s. We were living in Madrid, and had just bought our first wooden boat and wanted some help learning how to sail it short-handed or single-handed, having just had our first child arrive. He had previously skippered ocean sailing trust yachts, taking young kids on adventures of self discovery, and had lived on boats for years. He joined us on board for two days, and rocked up to the marina at Portimao on his BMW tourer. I was delighted! He was delightful company over those two days. Tom Cunliffe is another well known sailor who is a biker (more of a Harley man if I recall...), and I've met so many other sailors who ride.

    My third passion that does this for me is Shaolin Kung Fu, having been a martial artist since my mid teens. Whilst you can go to the gym and run on a treadmill to get fit, you don't get away from your thoughts, or at least I don't find my mind stops (I much prefer running along the coastal path near where I live). I'm sure some people can lose themselves whilst running, but for me kung fu takes me to a different place, where my awareness and focus moves from my head to more of a combined mind-body awareness, that is grounding and exhilarating.

    So if this resonates with you, what do you do that brings you that connection with the present moment? Or should I get my coat?
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  2. For me it is definitely riding my bike for fun that puts me in that mental "zone".

    Or at least it did. For the past couple of years I haven't been able to regularly get my head in the game. I hope that that is a symptom of the fact that I have had less time than usual for my biking and that when circumstances change, I can rediscover what it is that the OP is describing.
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  3. The bike yes - but down our allotment my mind is completely clear and I feel my most relaxed - everything else is forgotten
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  4. Tantric Sex.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
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  5. Riding the bike also walking our springer spaniel on Dartmoor.
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  6. Bike now, but in my time both archery and surfing have had the same bliss-inducing, shut-the-world-out-y-ness.
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  7. Walking the dog, my new hobby of quilting also seems to allow me to 'lose myself'.
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  8. Archery was mine (Jennings Sidekick 3 Compound Hunting Bow and Yamaha YTSL 2 Olympic Class Target Bow) then at 16 I found bikes, beer and wimmin and still trying them all with limited success :D
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  9. I listen to Hindu mantras while meditating when things get too much

    The bike was a brilliant way of shutting everything out as my instinct to survive took over :)

    I have also learnt Indian head massage and worked a little with crystals which I find relaxing
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  10. There has to be joke in there somewhere but I will leave it for braver souls ;)
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  11. Having recently taken up archery, my other half and I have both found it a great hobby for focusing on what you're doing and not worrying or thinking about everyday stuff at the same time.

    I've dabbled in yoga, tai chi and qigong over the years, but have very rarely lost myself in the moment doing those activities - biking has been better (on a good day, not the regular commute).
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  12. Yes. Things that get you in the zone. Rock climbing, flying, with and without an engine, sailing, sea kayaking, to name a few.

    I did do a Mindfulness taster last autumn which was very interesting and would like to pursue.

    The key is to empty the mind of extraneous thoughts and tune out the "noise" from our lives, something we could all benefit from.

    Sometimes however it can overspill into a fight for survival which, whilst it can teach you something about yourself, is not really where you voluntarily want or should go.
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  13. The times when I have truely lost myself in the moment have been whilst rock climbing, close to the edge whilst still in total control. But these are rare moments to be treasured.
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  14. The times I have scuba dived I can say are probably the nearest for me. The solitude felt coupled with rhythmic breathing in truly beautiful surroundings is blissful.
    Full throttle with a baffle-less termignoni exhaust through one of those seemingly endless French/ Spanish tunnels also works.
    #14 Carr01, Jan 3, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2017
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  15. For me its Kitesurfing, at one with nature and the elements, love it. However it does come with its frustrations, it's obviously totally dependent on wind and its direction.
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  16. FIG [1] Ducbird's business partner, yesterday
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  17. Sadly, it was somewhat more homely

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  18. My time is taken up with looking in the mirror trying to alter my appearance and wondering where did it all go?

    Something many of you should try doing (except Viv, of course).

    I have just shaved off a huge beard (I now own a Harley) but I was fed up with looking like a thin Henry VIII.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  19. She has the same get up but in Red :) with bumps...
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  20. I think there is a difference between getting an adrenalin rush and being "in the zone" where there is an inner peace and calm with an almost complete disinterest in what you are doing whilst doing it extremely well.
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