There is a place where they film Top Gear. Mate from work did it, didn't think it was that great as didn't get enough time practicing. I'd still like to go though.
If anybody ever needed any proof that males and females are not just different genders, but different species, @Ducbird has just ended centuries of debate with that statement. :Wideyed:
Great, the bike seemed to be able to sort itself out. The rider on the other hand seemed to be the problem I get that they are a display of skill and control but, in all honesty, I don't think doing large and extended ones are appropriate on the public highway for obvious reasons. Maybe I'm a closet girlie :Happy: Having said that; as an LC350 riding youth my opinion differed somewhat...
I'm going to apply man logic to a woman's issue :Bag: .................Why do you need more than 2 pair of shoes? :Hungry: A pair of smart shoes and a pair of trainers, sorted. Maybe slippers at a push. :Happy: