Whos Done The Swing Arm Pivot Shaft Lately?

Discussion in 'Detailing and cleaning' started by chizel, Aug 15, 2016.

  1. Maybe a titanium pin is the way to go.

    I now have nice, shiny titanium bolts from Racebolt,to replace 11 and 12, which were a bit scrappy.

    Here again, the key is to support the motor, as they are taking the weight.
  2. id forgot all about this! This gives me something to do this morning ( in my nicely cleaned workshop!)
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  3. well, that didn't go as planned. The shaft, sleeves and bearings were new when installed 2 years ago. Every thing was well greased.
    I undone the bolt in the end of the shaft and used a drift to tap the shaft till it moved to where the head of the bolt touched the frame, the took some heavy tapping but it moved ok.
    I then removed the bolt and with the drift tapped it further as it slowly came out you can see alot of rust and a bit of putting to shaft.
    I have got it 80% ish out but it won't go through the sleeve at other end. As there is nothing to guide the drift its difficult to know if its sitting bang on the end of shaft or hitting the sleeve. Im hopping like fuck I've not burred the end of the shaft but fear I may have as it won't go all the way back in now either!
    im now goin to do what I should have done and get a bit of 19mm rod machined up with a thread on the end to locate it in the shaft correctly and hope it works.
    this is what happens when you rush things and don't have the correct tools or temperament for a job.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  4. At least I'm not alone in it not being an easy 5 minute job...
    #64 Old rider, Jan 17, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2017
  5. it should be on the 748. I cant believe the amount of corrosion in this time frame .
  6. Well what do you expect when you actually ride her!
  7. true that! Still im a lil shocked.
  8. What are you implying? I'm keeping my eye on you.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. I did find the spark plug spanner in the tool kit has the correct hex On tother end of it. Only good thing to have come of todays effort.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  10. Ride her? once last year and he fell off after 10 yards :Finger:

    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  11. Any progress??

    How did you support the motor??
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