Hilarious Bradders - not sure why you have started trolling me and trying to associate me with dubious Ebay second hand part sellers. Especially on an open forum. It seems to be a regular occurrence now. I have a business that is associated with Ducati motorcycles and all you appear to do is try and be derogatory towards me with respect to this. It might be fun to you, but I will protect my business and its reputation when you attempt to be derogatory towards it for no reason other than some twisted personal & mischievous vendetta. Remember people read these forums that do not know us - and some will take your stupid comments seriously - so your actions are hardly fare when business is involved. Can you not see this - I would never do such a thing to other traders as I am nice :Angelic:
So you can dig at everyone, disrupt every thread and always be sarcastic and quite rude but others can't take the piss if it's at you eh?! Says a lot... It's Friday, go have a beer and take a chill pill
JTBC. And no offence is meant, those who have bought from you happily would again and it's not a snipe at any of your business. And can't be trolling. Note smilies use. I learned that from you
You do not see that associating me with a dubious business is possibly not good for mine, even when said in jest? This is all I am protecting here
If you subscribe to the forum I think you get the extra smileys which include the Drama Queen one - well worth £5 a year