Not sure about similar apart from the V4 engine layout. The D16RR is 10years old now, that's a long time in bike years, so I would expect a new V4 to be "better in every way" from a purely statistical point of view. It will also be cheaper as it's a mass production sports bike, better to ride, have more kit, be cheaper to service. No argument. But the D16RR was an expensive piece of exotica when it came out and that'll never change. Neither bike treads on the other's toes, they are different things altogether. Yes, I'm biased. The new V4 just helped future desireability of the twins too imo.
has the twin reached max power for cc's? I like v4s never riden one but most v engines sound wicked and have soul. It's good to see ducati moving forward. Really look forward to seeing and hearing em on the street. Im sure they know the bench mark set by Aprilia and I doubt they will disappoint
Exige does belts? Can I order some belts? I'll have one with a Harley Davidson buckle and a snake belt please..
I wonder what will happen to the smaller displacement sports bikes in the range,will they continue as a twin,i guess being as a the 959 is euro 4 that it will continue in its current format for a while,over the years Ducati always seem to put out a smaller capacity bike with same underpinnings as its bigger brother,i cant see this happening with a v4 ?
More history if V4's generally in smaller capacities than large so maybe. But then again, more likely to need a totally different crank case unlike the twins so maybe not...