Bitten the bullet and booked a couple of track days this year, novice group at Oulton park end of Feb and a 1:1 instruction day in July. Do I need insurance? Any experience of what's covered and the best providers. I'll be hooning around on the dvt Thanks
You don't 'need' it to take part. It's a good idea but unfortunately more expensive than the track day itself usually. Hence the reason hardly anyone bothers. The cheapest quote I had was from be moto. My advice, treat it like a fast road ride. And leave the ego in the pit lane (if you have one, you don't seem like it)
As an end note, when the bug gets so bad you start looking abroad, some Spanish tracks are now requiring medical and repatriation insurance. There are plenty of providers and it costs about £50 per person. Andy
Never bother with it myself, this will give you an idea MIS Motorsport - Race and Rally Insurance Specialists | Track day quote Personally I always van or trailor my bike to trackdays so that I can always get home if the worst should happen
I always ride to and from Trackdays (as I have no trailer or van), I have enough cover from MCE for the GSXR but I do insure the Ducati when it goes on days, I use Moris insurance. Prices vary but for up to about 5-6K it's about £130 (including personal injury and recovery) for 10K+ it's £240 including recovery and personal injury (can be less if you take the extras off)...
it is steep.... but if I can't afford to throw a 10-12k bike down the road.... and personally I only do 2 a year on the Duc.... the rest on the gsxr
I would have thought that was common sense anyway to take that out. The cost of being brought home after a big off would be horrendous.
Hi I think 1 of the big bike insurers ( Bennetts or MCE I think ) cover you for max 50% of value of bike on track days , as part of their fully comp package. I dont know anyone who has ever made a claim though. It might be worth looking into if you want some cover for your bike on track. Kev
I have MCE it's £1000 excess and 50% of the bikes value,hence the reason my solid gold diamond encrusted multi is valued at a Cool mil ££££
I've only got insurance because it's a legal requirement, otherwise for any claim you're into bartering, I do agree with medical and repatriation which is something I had throughout my skydiving career. A mate used it once for a badly broken wrist in the states, some $30k later......well worth it. Marks and Spencer's offered pretty decent extreme sports cover