Mine too - the fading out looks different due to the picture - the blue on mine does fade more than the picture of it shows shows. I'll re check the images this evening
Ive sent messages to the seller... He refuses to provide Frame numbers until we have agreed a price! Not sure he did his homework before he purchased the Fila because he states its number 160 of 300! (he thinks)... Were currently at stale mate now (he's ignoring my messages) unless I drive the 100 miles to Cambs,, agree a price, but on proviso that the Frame/Engine numbers work out correctly..
Why alienate the people most likely to buy your bike and what are you going to lose by giving people the frame and engine number ? He's either hiding something or a numbnut or both of course. Andy
He ignored my last mail from last night - ceased contact. Strange behaviour :Wideyed: he also didn't really tell me what he had with the bike when I asked about the plaque, the cover, the termi and ECU and carbon cover, just saying it has everything it should have! He didn't answer the question whether he had heard it run when he bought it or how long he had owned it - I asked this twice.
TBH when I first saw this I was very sceptical.. and I dont have half the knowledge on such things as you guys. Something just isnt right with it... call it gut feeling, intuition, whatever... The main thing that's bugging me is that he's put it on a general Ducati 749/999 Facebook group, when he could have quite easily put it on the Ducati GB owners group. Why put it on a general group instead of the official UK owners group where it would appeal to more people in his own country as the other group has different nationalities on itt.... that is unless you have something to hide of course, and him not being forth coming with the engine number or frame number so it can be legitimised with Ducati is also a big no no for me!
Maybe someone should ask Neil Hodgson for info on the bike as he's signed it. He sounds like he'll probably be able to tell us more than the current owner is willing to divulge. :Wideyed: All very strange behavior on the seller's behalf. I understand he may be a little apprehensive about giving out too much info, but some of the questions are pretty reasonable for someone looking to buy a bike like this. :Meh:
Here's a bigger blow up of his - not a reflection. Something is going on there that doesn't match the factory finish of mine shown on page 2 ompus:
is it not listed on the log book as a 999r Fila as that was its true designation as it is on the plaque
No, some might be, but would depend on the registering dealer. Also not always shown on the plaque either - some did, some didn't. The only way of checking without checking with Ducati is on the code card wallet - shows the model and country designation: here's mine...
Yep, I've had similar bikes with totally differing descriptions on the V5 before. It may be different now everything is computerized, but in the good old days it would depend on how the dealer filled un the registration forms.
that makes it a pain then glad mine is stamped in the log book was talking to salesman at Ducati on sat and was saying 999r are going through the roof at this moment in time
Hmmmm, you didn't walk in and say "I'm desperate to buy a 999R", did you? Did he start grinning like a Cheshire cat and dollar signs start to spin in his eyeballs?