Walking the dogs today spotted this daffodil bud, promising that spring is around the corner. Oh, and I should be mortgage free early next month after being shackled to one or another for the last 30 years :Happy:
OI! That's not the spirit! and I've thought of something happy, coming up to visit you n john! and I won't be having any foul language like that young lady!
A plumber wanted to charge my daughter £350 to replace three radiators in her house, all same size no pipe alterations, a mornings work tops. Labour only. Bast##d Wan##r didn't get the job. I'm happy now I've got that of my chest. Steve
Well, I am marching towards my first invoice and now over a shirt interview the other day and a peach of a job has come up and I'm interviewing Friday. But if not, this one looks like it has life, is quite interesting and if it goes beyond April other projects come on and I am well placed for a job that suits my skills, and the rate rise that goes with it Makes me fairly happy
Check out Mark Ormrod triple amputee ex Royal Marine Have just spent an hour on his live feed he launches his Kickstarter fundraising to make a documentary Here is a preview