999 Ducati 999r Fila Zero Miles

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by tim1664, Jan 23, 2017.

  1. You are missing the point entirely :) and I assumed you understood the reason for my PM before, hence removing your somewhat derogatory remark and I'm surprised you are jumping on the bandwagon here. This is an open forum not a closed group and I will not allow my business be associated with scammers - even in jest. You think it is fare? Then carry on.
    #81 Exige, Jan 25, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2017
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  2. I haven't missed your point Stu, I disagree with it.

    I'm not jumping on a bandwagon, I'm agreeing with the observations of others and I myself have had experience of exactly the same thing from you in the past. You say derogatory remark, it was jest, just as you do on here every single day.

    You are right, it is an open forum, so people have the right to post what they like. You youself take full advantage of this jumping onto other's threads probably more than any other member. You can't have your cake and eat it demanding that people stop posting things you don't like. You think it's fare to ask people to do that? Then carry on.

    The only person harming your business is you. Some of the innocent comments would probably just raise a chickle and be forgotten about 2 minutes later before you highlight them with self righteous indignation drawing negative attention on the very thing you are claiming to want to protect.

    Rather than bandwagon, you may want to look at the fact a number of posters have said the same thing.
    #82 Robarano, Jan 25, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2017
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  3. Is anyone buying the bike then? What's the score on FB: any feedback for the owner there?
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  4. Not true - what has happened is some people have become upset at my banter (wrongly so as that is all in was) and have not been able to 'get their own back' in their own eyes. They have now realised they get a reaction if they attack my business and associate it with a known scammer. This is not big or clever of any of you and something I would never stoop so low to do. I cannot see the point of what you are trying to achieve. I will defend my business against malicious posts and I am pretty sure you would do the same. You are obviously going to carry on, I do not know why?
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  5. No new posts on FB at all that I have seen.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. All of us have taken and have had removed varying amounts of urine and 95% of the time it is accepted as intended. However, if something genuinely winds someone up why not just stop pushing their buttons on the subject thereby having a friendly forum.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  7. I'm not upset at your banter as I see it as just that. I do the same thing myself, often joking along with you.

    However as soon as the banter is mentioned in the same post as your business, however tenuous, you go off on one. I did you the courtesy of removing a post because you asked me to, not because I agreed with what you said. Your 1st reaction was to call me a prick because of my "banter". I've posted some benign comments or asked you a couple of quite reasonable questions recently and got a smart arse comment back.

    I'm not upset with you or need to get my own back on anything, I hadn't even thought to mention it until I saw other posters were saying the same thing. I'm more than capable of dealing with anyone on here without attacking your business to do so. Show me where you think I have done this. I can show you posts where I praised your product and customer service.

    I have no issues and nothing to carry on, so I'm surprised you think I do. I respect your right to reply, but I'll leave it here.
  8. Good, my forum name was cross referenced to a scammer - the name Exige is associated with this forum and all my ebay adverts (it is also my Ebay name) as I promote the forum. It was not good for my business as this could be misconstrued by being associated with a business with less ethics than mine. I am in no way 'wound up' about it - but stating the fact that this could damage my business was necessary and noted by some I think, but seen as an opportunity for some reason by others. As I say, I have different values to some regarding derogatory remarks about other peoples business in public - and would never do it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. obv Ex realises that any publicity is good publicity, why else continue with this nonsense.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  10. N
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Applies to everyone, right ? ;)

    Actually my view of elite is they know the value in breaking high value rare bikes and have a business model based on the time and effort that takes versus what £££ they can get. So they embellished the odd ad, sales and marketing, who doesn't?! But many see them as providing a service or they wouldn't still be in business. Slandering their business reputation seems ok tho :upyeah:

    What most get upset (or mildly glib) about, me included a bit, is that they take really nice bikes out of circulation so no one can ride them. No different to a collectors in that respect, which Exige is.

    That was where my banter was targeted, fwiw. But note Exige that your banter is often well ott and offends quite a lot yet you always come back with a 'wind yer beck in' type chipper throw away comment.

    Btw the SP5 thread where the guy is trying to find out if it's genuine from that big Ducati collector is a good example.

    Hth :)
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  12. We will have to disagree on this - as it is well documented that he has hoodwinked people regarding such things as mileage etc on many occasions reported on this Forum. Collectors can be more seen to save bikes (along with museums) - as without them there would be no Brough Superiors left in existence for instance ;)

    I have emailed the Dealer in Cornwall regarding the Fila and asked him a few questions so I will see if he answers.
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  13. Who ever does go and checks this bike out please take a can of custard powder & arrange the bike to show bins + custard for the laughs on here. I'm one of the idiots who never did really recognize the value in a limited edition colour/paint scheme. As I've always viewed these style of bikes as pure advertizment billboards & never understood the nature of the LE beast. Frankly because I'm poor & cannot afford to have items of high-value gather dust yet also now comprehend, gather intrinic growth in value by been of a minute commodity. I truly understand no one wants to be duped by a criminal or delibrate alternative version of the truth. Exige you're help on this forum/thread & business-stance is rock solid in my book. I will now fall back into obscurity & ruminate followed swiftly using the term _naziland.
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  14. Don't forget ameri_c@nts ;)
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  15. I quite like @Exige , @finm and a few of the other wind up merchants on here...:Angelic:
  16. yip. i quite like db and chiz too.
    • WTF WTF x 1
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  17. I don't have a fancy for any Limited Edition paint schemes myself. I prefer the red 998R, 999R and 1098R to say a Bostrom / Foggy rep, Fila / Xerox rep or Bayliss rep. But that's just my taste. The 1098s / Panigale Tricolores certainly seem to be more coveted than the standard bikes.

    Then you have some standard colours that are genuinely worth more, like the Red / White '98 R1 compared to the blue bike or old blue / white GSXR's. Some bikes should just be a certain colour. Cue some input from @Ducbird :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  18. Oh there was me thinking you thought I was a limited edition :) :Bag: in red of course
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. You are definitely a limited edition DB, there's only one of you* :)

    *Thank God. :p
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  20. Different bike, but I was in M&S in Newcastle today as my 1098R is in for a service. I liked the look of this in the showroom. :Hungry:

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