You know you are getting old when....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Katie, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. Retire to the bedroom about 9ish - then as my wife calls it, ive got my "old man chair" which i sit in for an hour or so...and old 40's wingbacked chair one of my relatives recovered....bloody comfortable though!
  2. i am sure not,,but will be very happy today with Latvala sitting 4 th on the Monty.
  3. I know Im getting old when I see THAT face staring back from the mirror!!!!!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. You know you're getting old when you're counting down to retiring, almost 49 years of work completed just 9 months to go.
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  5. You know when you're getting old when you buy your son his dream 748 (853) for his Christmas pressy and he buys you a Velo Solex for yours monster solex.JPG And here's the proof.
    #85 stu-pendus, Jan 20, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2017
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  6. ...when you just scroll down, and down, and down to find your age on those scrolly down things for insurance quotes.
    when you are on biking holiday and wonder why the toothpaste tastes like savlon.
    when any old motorcycle is more interesting than the hot young female next to it...
    all sure signs! ;)
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  7. You know you're getting old when you see an attractive woman and then think her mums ok too! - apparently. :Shy:
  8. Wow, did they send you up chimneys, Steve??

    8 months for me...
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  9. Not quite but I did start work on £3-14s for a 40 hour week as an apprentice joiner on Chatsworth Estate.
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  10. I think he sleeps like a whale....half the brain asleep and then the other half.....on and off like that (all the time?).
  11. When you sit down for breakfast and you hear the old Snap Crackle and Pop then realise it was your joints and not the cereal..
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  12. If you fall over and rather than simply say 'I fell over' you go for 'I had a fall' - sure sign you have joined the old brigade!
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  13. You saw nothing wrong with wearing purple crochet in the 70's [​IMG]
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  14. You beat me by 2 shillings a week (£3-10-0p) and I had to give £3 of that to my parents for lodge :(
    Starting to sound like a Monty Python sketch :)
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  15. So did she ?
  16. when you dont have to pay NI any more :grinning:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. .....when you've only just turned fifty and the third customer in less than a month wants confirmation that you're not going to retire soon!
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    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  18. 3 days and counting Steve. Not to rub it in or anything :D. Andy
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  19. When you are filling in an online form for insurance or similar and when it comes to your date of birth you have to scroll up for ages to get your year!
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Also I was on the Tube the other day and squeezed into an already crowded carriage at Oxford Circus and a really pretty girl about 20/21 yrs offered me her seat! I said thanks but my foot (in one of those awful surgical boot things!) isn't too uncomfortable.She came back with - Oh I hadn't noticed your foot! I was absolutely gutted and could hear a few stifled sniggers from other passengers.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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