Hey, she's a career politician and an opportunist. I think that with the warmer climate, the modern brick construction housing and not least of all, central heating, we can lure Redtop from her Northern caves to a comfortable, civilised life on the South Coast. Why do you have to be on a downer on everyone, we have dreams too you know.
yip, your dream, our nightmare. at least with our dream it leaves you guys better off no? :Hilarious: post your sources. you know what i find funny loz, especially with you in mind. the opposition and associated press have successfully managed to equate indi with the snp, Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgion. then demonized them appropriately. yer a sucker loz. :smileys: the "YES" movement covers so many organizations and political leanings they know they cant attack the philosophy just the individual. and like a good little troll you repeat it at every opportunity. Que the gruesome twosome with the "fuck sake not Scotland again" well, its becoming increasingly obvious you have nothing else to talk about. you got to express yer hate somehow right? twats. :Hilarious: :smileys:
Fin or as he is other wise known, lets make every thread/post about Scotland, has a point Perhaps our news sources maybe requiring substantial checking. However a website called "wings over Scotland" written by a bloke who can't stand to live there so has lived in Bath Somerset for the last 25 years, may just not be the font of all knowledge fin seems to think it is :smiley: I would agree with Loz that Sturgeon but also her sidekick Salmond, are little more than political opportunists, they offer little more than a hate of England and little more. It takes something to out UKIP, UKIP
It was one time, fin. You and me, one time. I told you, it's never gonna happen again. You need to get over me. OK, it's only fair. I give you a ribbing, I'll let you troll me one time. I don't allow the press head room, to the best of my ability. I do however listen critically to the players, the politicians (including Redtop) and the actual words they use. Their words, not someone else's. Don't confuse "listen" and "believe" by the way, before you get started. As far as I can tell, you are still listening to people with opinions, axes to grind, people who are paid per webpage hit, special interest folk. People who fold truth and spin into everything they say. Put another way, you are a victim of all the little mistakes and all the manipulations you assign to me. I understand how easy it is to be indoctrinated and it is especially seductive to be "in the know", "cutting across the grain", "swimming upstream" ... I'm running out of clichés here ... The little people you place all your faith in differ in only one respect from the manipulative mainstream media - they seek power they do not have as opposed to working to hold power they currently hold. Spin is spin is spin. The fact that they are fighting perceived mis-justices does not render them immune from a desire to persuade others to their own locked-in worldview. They just employ tactics to achieve goals from the opposite direction. They fact that they are right sometimes means no more than the fact that the MSM is sometimes correct or justified in what they write. Damn, I am so hot for you right now.
Pfffttt. :Meh: You've went nowhere near far enough yet. You haven't even made his ignore list. Although I feel the toys are close to coming out of the pram again, he's certainly waving his rattle about at the moment.
one time? you've had yer two strikes. no more jokers left tory boy. :Hilarious::smileys:to play. you deliberately conflate issue with axe to grind. post your sources loz.
There's a reason for "conflation" sometimes. And my sources are original research Tory boy! :Hilarious:
original source? hmm, you worked in tax collection. post yer findings kipper boy. :Smuggrin::smileys:
Are you calling me "kipper boy" cos of that one time I got caught in your throat? Cos I thought we agreed, what happens in South Queensferry stays in South Queensferry :Hilarious:
No back-tracking from me. I don't care who I upset. Its the internet. Its just cheap entertainment. Like I said I'm feeding the troll(s) and by God it works every time. And why would I be bitter? We won the vote, remember? There is much bitterness about, i agree, but it isn't coming from me. You're confusing bitterness with Schadenfreude. Quite a different thing.
doh. i forgot we where having an open conversation loz. sorry. :Sorry:. anyhoo, the truths out now. still coming up for the weekend like we where talking about? whose turn is it on top?
i dont believe you. to many of your posts have a similar theme. as i was explaining to somebody on here last night. its not whats said, its whose saying it. and all based on previous attitudes expressed for all to see. you right, its just the interweb, but potentially millions could be watching.
meh, its all take take take with you lot init? anyhoo. my pleasure in your leisure. just make sure it hurts. you know i love a bit of it.
You sure you didn't missread your own posts fins? Blaah blahhh blaahhh nicola gives me a boner, blahblah blah Scotland is the only country in the world, blah blah blah where is the blue and white paint, blah blah blah