How does he get down chimneys maybe the weight if his sack pulls him down? extra cushion if he lands to hard ? never mind him Mrs Chrustmas must be well hacked off ..
Guess the extra mass will help pull him down the chimbley. couldn't possibly comment on poor mrs Christmas.
The country is in turmoil with big high street stores closing, massive job losses , flooding every where, Jimmy Saville's party friends running for cover and what are we talking about?........ Santa's nads being like a big space hopper!
No wonder his beard's gone white... Pity Mrs Santa when his gun does go off though, would be like a car hitting a fire hydrant! :biggrin:
What Jimmy Sommerville??????? Now that's scary!!!!! No my box is empty ! No body has filled my box today.
Dam my cover is blown!!!!! noooo . For I am mother Christmas and once a year on Boxing Day if I'm lucky ... If he's gone clubbing with Dancer and prancer I'm out of luck for another yteary here is no point asking the elves either!