I got a pretty even finish of grey over spray on about 10 cars when the 60 mtr long hose of the airless sprayer I was using burst a few feet from the pump. I was 4 stories up spraying a roof and by the time I jumped in the cherry picker and got to ground level about 10 ltrs of paint had shot 3 or 4 mtrs in the air and been carried 50 mtrs down the rd. thank Christ for public liability insurance! also manage to do a brand new eve 8 when spraying a multi story carpark one night. It was an open sided carpark and he was parked a level below. But he wasn't supposed to be there so he got fuck all!
Mainly my fault for rushing and not knowing what I'm doing yet. Clear coat is hardest of the 3 coatings.
Well, last night anyway. I watched "Downfall" (Der Untergang), the film of the thousands of Hitler YouTube parodies. Based on the last few weeks in his Berlin bunker. A very good movie and Bruno Ganz is superb. Then watched "Arrival". What a pile of crap.
I watched that a while back. Quite good but for some reason, the South African accent gets right on my tripe. "The Farking Prawne"
lol, I hear ya. It its a very abrasive accent. I hate that they get bundled in with us as being from the same parts ( southern hemisphere) when we are 6000 mikes away and not from Dutch decent.. not that I have anything against them.. In the fact the last pub fight I had was with one.
Joined my wife in a loft sorting "party". Later on I educated the wife... putting the word party on the end of a task does not make it enjoyable. I don't for example, have the desire to attend a euthanasia party and I'm sure calling it a holocaust party wouldn't have meant the nazi's got away with it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Bought a new top box for my commuter scooter on eBay (£80, not bad at all as they are about £200 new ) Fitted it today.
QUOTE="El Toro, post: 871432, member: 23818"]Shrimp!?! Remind me.........How tall are you @chizel in your best sling backs? [/QUOTE] a lil shorter than you :Sorry:
Took my Dad out for lunch in his 1979 VW T2 camper. I drive as he find the clutch and brakes a bit heavy (he is 86!). It hasn't been driven since before Christmas so some interesting sounds when I braked and all the rust came off the discs and drums. Then took the bike for a very quick spin, followed by a wash and wax
I ran into a bloke in the bar at the golf club today and I said, "Hello, I haven't seen you here for a while". He replied "No, I'm a country member". I said "Yeah, I remember"