
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 6, 2012.

  1. Does anyone want to swap anything for my MV Agusta F4 1078 RR312 then ?
  2. Has anyone swapped partners ?
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Always wanted an MV ;)
  4. It's a deal, your MV for the fuglystrada. Nice doing business with you:biggrin:
  5. There is no way EVER I would have a noodlestroodle, fuglystrada, or whatever it's called. Adventure bikes suck !
  6. I fancy a Griso - in white
  7. Too late! You initiated the swap, and if you back out now I will sue you for millions! Come on, hand over the MV...
  8. a Char for the MV?
  9. I have a 1098 in red and white that I would like to swap for a nice enduro or similar - something road legal that I can throw about in the winter
  10. Aha! Another unsuspecting punter for the fuglystrada:upyeah:
  11. Get your name down on the secret Santa thread
  12. Am I missing something here ? A Char is a fish.
  13. And a poo is a....?
  14. no - she's a lady :wink:
  15. Haven't been called that in a while
  16. have I been too cryptic again?
  17. Yes didnt you see me duck?
  18. no I didn't, but here's mine

  19. I would swap my SS (but not for a duck ----- ling) if someone had a bike that interested me....

  20. A poo is a . . . . . . relief :biggrin:, male or female.

    Or a command on one of our German chillers at work.
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