So what I thought was a simple Job has turned into a bit of a nightmare, got 3 of the Allen key bolts out what hold the pegs on and the 3rd was solid , to the point my Allen key slipped and has now slightly rounded the head!! [emoji35] It's in the worse place possible and hoping someone has advice how to remove it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Doesn't look too badly rounded. I tend to use a hex bit in a ratchet spanner, then I can hammer the bit in and hold pressure to keep the bit in whilst I get someone else to do the twisting.
I had a hex bit but only a short one, I have some longer ones at work I might try so I can hammer it in better if that brings any joy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's my nxt option, not much room under there though to get a proper wack on it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
you could always try drilling? or even a chisel, angle the chisel (sharp one) and tap it on whatever edge is left, most cases it looses it to turn
You could try an Impact Driver. Make sure it's set to "undo", not to "do up" before you hammer it! IMPACT SCREWDRIVER WITH 6 BITS ★FORWARD & REVERSE★ Large Hammer Screw Remove Set | eBay
As Jolley mentioned, I found the best way to access the bolts was by removing the rear hugger. Spray WD40 on the bolt, sit your allen wrench in place and give it a few hits with a hammer. It should loosen up...
I did take the hugger off which helps, I've sprayed it and will let it soak, I'll bring sone torx bits home on Monday and try that, also got a bolt removal set which will grip round the outside of the bolt if I can get it in there! No much room for hammer chisel etc!! It must come out!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Worst case is take the subframe off.... if you have to destroy the heat shield I think I have a spare one.
If it is properly seized (which it probably isn't on such a new bike) i would suggest tightening first then slackening. If you tighten you crack it and then usually back off easier
Another top tip is get a soldering iron and hold it on the bolt head for 5 mins or so till it's hot and try it. That's works trust me - especially if thread lock is involved..
I think the main problem is the rounded Allen key bolt, torx bits or bolt remover if I can get it in Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
When you eventually remove it, replace it with something having less of a swiss cheese property, such as a decent A2 grade stainless bolt.
Success!! Borrowed a T40 torx bit got in nice and tight and ta da!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk