I suspect mine are, although they have chickens behind us and then stables 200yds away. My money is they live in the stables
200 mile round trip in the alpina on motorways and overjoyed to learn that it can easily do more than 14 mpg that ive become accustomed to
My mother swears you should never put bread in a compost heap because you'll attract rats. She's probably right. She's got three compost bins but no rats. Personally I never feed birds on the ground. You always get vermin and if a neighbour's got chickens the place will be riddled with them. I shoot them. Mind you I shoot everything, even moles.
Been trying to tidy the garage. As you can see I have a geaky hobby! Weather has been poor here so no bike riding, so a bit was washing the car.
Was going to change the brake pads on the R1 today - turned ignition on and the alarm box in the seat unit nearly set the whole bike alight frazzled :Wideyed:
We've had a lovely lunch round at #2 sons house. Two year old grandson was hilarious and kept taking my hand and showing me things and wanting to play. Five year old granddaughter was a little shit and didn't stop crying for over an hour when she had been told off for not sharing her toys. She was still wailing when we left at 6.45pm. Me thinks she was tired and needed to go to bed.
Nowt wrong with a bit of rotary wing model flying although not so sure about the planks :Bag:. I'm part way through building a 5th scale MD900 but sadly not flown the TRex600 for far too long. Andy
message to the person who stole my shoes while I was playing on the bouncy castle yesterday Grow up, you bastard.
Out for a ride and just stopped off at the Departure Lounge for a coffee and bacon roll. Got my IAM test tomorrow so decided to blow the cobwebs away. Unsurprisingly no reoccurrence of the DTC error :Banghead:. Andy