Hyper Remap

Discussion in 'Hypermotard' started by Bake1000, Feb 16, 2017.

  1. Hi all, I have a hyper 821 MY13 and want to get it remapped and the throttle adjusted and get rid of the close loop system which causes it to jerk below 4k. Any suggestions and has any one else had this work carried out ?
  2. Hi Bake

    i have a rexxer map on my SP821... it did improve the low end response noticeably, but i dont think it had any affect on the closed loop operation. Mine currently runs rough around 6000rpm, feels like it's running out of fuel. not a problem on the twisties, but a nuisance on the m-ways

    i've done a bit of reading around on this and other forums, doesn't seem like it's very easy/cheap to get around, save a few sessions on the dyno...
  3. Hi Bake

    Have a look at a Boosterplug. There are some posts on Ducati.org about The feedback indicates that aside from increased fuel consumption it seems to work quite well.
  4. I have the booster plug fitted on my 821 Hypermotard for just that reason. Cannot recommend it highly enough. Best value mod there is for bikes with glitchy throttle problems. Had one on my Nuda and on my Dorsoduro with similar results.

  5. not heard of the booster plug, until @Gandalf mentioned it, was it easy to fit.. does it change the behaviour noticeably?

    from the information i've read on it, it will change the ambient temp display?
  6. Yes it will show 15 to 20 degrees lower on the ambient display than it actually is.. That's how it works. It's an in-line plug in that makes the bike think temp is lower so it richens the mixture to compensate. On the 821 hypermotard, it fits in behind the headlamp cowl....easy!
    Explanation is an over simplification, but there is all you need to know on booster plug. com . It just makes the bike run properly and not over lean to meet emission standards.
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  7. @Dave, the website explains it quite well. The guys who sell it are also very helpful.

    It is an inexpensive and clever solution. Best of all it can be fully reversed in about 5 minutes!



    PS. no affiliation to the company, just an engineer who loves clever, simple solutions.
  8. thanks Gandalf

    ordered it today!

    will report back on my experience with it

  9. Has anyone tried at a dynamometer to know if the parameters are right?

    I'm a bit septic about "cheap" solutions.
    I understand that by enriching a poor mixture you are puting it up to optimal parameter, but we know that if it was that easy, no one would need a custom map... and a Termi wirt a termi Eco is going to have the same result as a bike with termi and a custom map.
    I really think it does what it says, but someone has already checked if the parameters are just righ?

    Sorry for the poor english :D
  10. Also ordered a BoosterPlug for my 939, should be here tomorrow. I hope it is a good cheap fix for the low revs hesitancy otherwise I will have to go the full Rexxer route as I did on my Scrambler!
  11. Following with interest
  12. Your in Worcester...so not too far from CJS down in Clutton near Bristol.....get it on there for a day, get a custom map, along with other ecu mods and youll never look back. The only thing is to get your engine mods done first so if your thinking of a full system then get it along with an air filter - the more you do like that the better the custom mapping will be.
  13. Fitted the BoosterPlug yesterday on my 939. Not overly difficult, just a bit tight getting all the wiring back in the small space between the dash and headlight unit. Went for a short ride and there is a definite smoothing out at steady low revs, improved pick up from low down out of junctions and off roundabouts. Less popping and banging on the overrun. I am still on a standard pipe, no mods other than the BoosterPlug fit. Early days and will get some longer rides in in the next few days and I have a track day next week.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. A few more k's in on the road and a track day and the BoosterPlug has worked for me with no other mods. On the track where 2nd in a number of low speed corners would have been a bit on/off and hesitant before finding another gear was great in 3rd with good drive. No change to acceleration through the gears. (Forgot to use Race Mode!) There is no doubt that a full ECU tune and dyno work would pay dividends particularly if you are changing air filter and exhaust but I saw some PB's and mixing it with sports and race bikes so I am one happy bunny. Now on the next problem, dragging my boots and foot rests in the turns!!
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  15. You can feel this to a certain degree on all modern fuel injected bikes, there's a big hole in the fueling where they've been mapped to pass Euro emission standards (and I suspect massage mpg figures).

    Some bikes suffer more than others.

    Most of the Power Commanders we've fitted are due to poor low/ mid range response, adding the correct fuel back in makes a massive difference.

    You MAY have ignition trims based on the ambient temp sensor (to hot and it will pull some timing out) which could be affected buy altering the sensor reading but in the UK it's a none issue.
  16. These are great news. I was just posting a question on the Rexxer map as I had good experience with it and a Diavel with a Pipercross air filter.
    But if this one little change helps I will give it a go. I do have the year service so I might wait or even ask the guy to know if he does this as well just to avoid any lecture on guarantee terms.
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