I guess you can now post here: http://ducatiforum.co.uk/f16/how-many-ducatis-have-you-written-off-tragic-6320/index3.html#post87923 GTW soon Phil. Also milk the broken leg, make sure you moan a lot to wife so she feels guilty ..... then use that
Thanks for all the kind words guys, I'm reading this from my hospital bed and smiling - not bad considering. I think I've also got over my fear of needles. The true irony is the bike that got smooshed was the yamasaki - about to become surplus to requirements, the Ducati and cbr are safe at home.
GWS Phil, Think of it as an opotunity to relax! chill out and be waited on hand and foot for a while As for secret santa for me anything Odd/unusual bike oriantated would be fine
Enjoy the morphine I'm very bad I love it when I'm in and they say sorry we will have to give you some intravenous morphine .. Really?? Oh dam it .. If you must! Never had a trip or been into recreational drugs but when I first had morphine in my arm .....woooooo.. It was heaven!!! Then it wore off and they said have some paracetomol !! Grrr.. I'm lucky it doesn't make me vomit!
Secret satan I'm not allowed chocolate Except milky bars or a kinda egg. Basically I'm allowed white choc. All I ask is one little thing . Please could you wrap it up. As a child my folks did not wrap pressies nor was I allowed a stocking. Santa used to put stuff on the settee for me . None of my family wrap Christmas stuff except me ( badly I warn you!!!) Family dont really know what to buy me as I'm not into wine choc or smelly stuff at all. I'm a bit of a Tom boy I guess ! So for me to have something wrapped to open at Christmas is fab!! I don't see my family at Christmas so would be nice to just have a little something to unwrap really don't mind what just not chocolate please
Phil, sorry to hear of your accident. Glad it wasn't the Duke, and relieved that you're well enough to post on here. Get well soon mate!
Thanks dude. I have completely hijacked the secret Santa thread as well! Between the grumpy old man to my left, and the druggie to my right its a grand old time..
approx size 9. or dot 4 brake fluid (think that's right for 998s???). Likes beer, wine, whisky, whiskey, food (any of the major food groups of food, food or food). or just a bit of a surprise. thanks secret Santa in advance, Pete
Xmas Wish Deodrant. Chocolate. Coffee. Anything home made. Anything creative. Anything Ducati related. Cheers Mark
Paracetamol just isn't quite as much fun Is it? Morfine does seem to het the job done, and makes days really short. Back to reality now without it
Although Ducatisti is no longer with us. I sent a secret santa gift last year, did anyone here receive it and was it appreciated? Mark