Anybody Out This Weekend?

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Misterpink, Feb 18, 2017.

  1. Weather mild and dry ...any one meeting up?
  2. workin' ...what region are you based at?
  3. I am in north London ...might go and see what's up at Ducati Aylesbury
  4. Dropped my bike off this morning so not back til next week

    Really need to start getting some miles in :upyeah:
  5. I have just been out, the roads were still damp and slippy, good to be out though and not cold at all.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. I'm meeting up with some mates tomorrow morning for brekkie
  7. I'm out tomorrow:)
  8. I was out today. A bit nippy and roads in Leics and Rutland still have loads of salt on them. Snowdrops are in full bloom! Bucket of warm soapy water in order first thing tomorrow.
  9. Great ride out today.....only had the MTS a month, amazing bike! B roads, A roads and blasted home on the M40. Comfy and FAST!!!!
  10. We must organise another multi run around the Cotswolds this year @Kirky :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Be careful out there, damp and mud all over the place round here. A lad on his first ride of the year put his RSV4 in the ditch a few miles from me this afternoon. He was fine, but definitely put a delay to the start of his year now....
  12. Called in there earlier. Quite a few bikes had made the ride over there today.
  13. There's a lot of debris out there, mud, twigs, shingle, big stones and salt
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  14. Sounds like someone needs to join up the IAM roadsmart course. I have ridden this whole winter & had my front wheel flicked out on me only once. On roads at 4/5am which were covered in ice crystals like a blanket of diamonds.

    We all have accidents but if the rider is blaming mud on the road he totally isn't in control of who actually caused the crash. As in he's not owning up to his inability to either warm the tyres up for better grip & quite possibly riding beyond his own abilty.
  15. One of the most experienced and fast rider I have ever known got caught out by gravel on the outside edge of a ride hand bend and, although it didn't kill him, it may as well have done in the long run. And he was rospa iam you name it.

    It happens to the best too. Just less often :)
  16. Heading up to Stow on the Wold tomorrow
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  17. He could well do with selling his bike. All four of them power rangers on sports bikes, no doubt going too quickly and lucky not to have caused themselves much more harm (as he slid across opposing traffic). I don't know him and don't know his excuse. I came across the accident and stopped long enough to check everyone was alright and they didn't need any help. However, my assumption is that he isn't the first person this weekend that has jumped on their bike for the first time since November, with their heads stuck in the great riding they had last summer, and gone down on roads that are not warm or clean enough... so I just wanted to remind everyone how pants it still is out there before they go scooting off on their favourite ride. If my mentioning it can save just one other accident this weekend, it will have been worth it in my mind.

    You had your wheel flick out on you?... have you thought about some advanced riding courses?! ;)
  18. Not too bad up here. Couple of damp patches and a chilly right hand but great to be out
  19. Yes long overdue. I am riding fit again so maybe if the weather is kind 18th/25th March? Better get the bike MOT'd, off SORN, serviced......
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  20. Good idea. May I suggest 25 March?
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