My 996 with 50mm termi pops and bangs all over the place. Will a power command sort it and can I do myself or do I nerd to take to a expert?
Probably and probably. If you get the self tune version, to will get in the right range. But you can never beat custom set up. PC £300 (ish) PC self tune £400 PC standard dyno set up about £150 (it was when I had one done few years ago) Custom dyno £450 PC means if you make further meds its only £150 a go to sort the fuelling. Custom means its £450 (or so) every time. HTH
my 749 pops and bangs a spits out 2 foot blue flames... I like it. im guessing it needs a tune though...
If it backfires on the overun it could be running weak, which is not good for the engine. My 998 when new was terrible for blowing out of the airbox. This was caused by the deliberately weak factory setup so that it could get through the emissions of the day. I think you will find that the Powercommander only goes up to model 3 USB as the bike does not support the latest type, which is now a Powercommander 5. Powercommanders only have limited tuning abilities and go in roughly 1,000 rpm steps. You can try various maps available on the net but none will ever be precisely right for your bike as they all have differing fuelling requirements be they only slight in some cases. The best option is to go with a custom chip and Dyno setup ala CJS etc. Not cheap but it will perfectly suit your bike. Ensure all modifications like exhaust, inlet and any tuning are all completed first before the final dyno setup. You will also (can) get each cylinder mapped and a safe rev limit cutout placed on the chip. Not cheap as evidenced above but it's worth every penny.
Have you had the exhaust off this bike? if so it might be just sucking air in causing the popping, a little smear of silicone on the joints when reassembling the exhaust will help. Steve
It's only when I'm holding a steady throttle at 30 or 40 in traffic and when I roll off she pops/bangs. Won't be doing any more to her engine wise, just wanted the 50mm Termi boom.
Id say more than ever - get it on the dyno then....get a custom map - seeing as youre not going to change youre engine config then it would be a must....this is the thing (that i find) - ive been to the dyno a few times....and each time before i go i think (tsk, more money) and tell myself "itll be worth it" thinking before i go it wont, but then when ive been its always, always been much better than before...ive not been and never not made more output (on any bike).... and then when i leave Chris at CJS within 5 minutes think....yeah - that was well worth it!! Which is ironically what my mate is saying at the moment, just bought an RC8R, hes just bought the block off plates, Jester exhaust, air at this point, he could go and pay 100 quid and get the akra mapping or, go see Chris, pay 400 for the day on the dyno and get the bike set up perfectly....i know what id do....
CJS is such a trek is the issue. The local guy to me who is supposed to be good with Ducati and does mapping I had a bad experience with.
I've had the pop/bangs ever since I went from the OEM cans to the Termi's. I've only had the cans off, not the mid section or pipes where they join the engine.
If you didn't change the ECU chip it is highly likely to be running weak. If it's seriously weak you could cause some permanent engine damage. Whatever route you choose the engine is highly likely to not be running right at the moment , if that does result in engine damage then it's going to cost a lot more than just paying the most expensive option of going the Dyno route. There is accommodation literally just up the road from CJS so you could turn it into a bit of a road trip and even take the family if you transport the bike there. That's what I did when I had mine done.
No it uses an IAW 59M ECU which mounts to the battery box. It also uses a unique Powercommander due to the shower injectors. The airbox is the same size as a 748R but is one piece. Hence the 998 and the 748R share the same frame with different coil mountings.
Not sure if Dave Woods still does these, he does custom set up and he's Oxford way. DWR I think the company is called. Or nip up to cornerspeed just a few stops north at Nottingham on m1