congrats @cookster and @Birdie . I'm sure @El Toro will be able to confirm if being a grandparent really is so much easier than being a parent. enjoy every moment, as it flies by way too quickly.
heh! congrats! Our's first word (almost) was motorbike Don't sell the bikes (for the first year I doubt you'll get near them, ours is now 2-and-a-bit and I'm getting a bit more time). What they said about breast-feeding. Buy lots of muslins Enjoy it
If you think you have experienced highs and lows with bike ownership they are nothing compared to being a parent. Remember though Grandkids are the reward for not strangling your kids Grandkids are when you get your own back on your kids
Being a grandparent is fab. You get to do all the wonderful, exciting, loving stuff and when they become horrible you just hand them back But to be honest once they get to 2-3 years old we've found that they listen to everything you say, and respect you for what you are. We made the conscious decision 18 months ago that we would be the people that give them experiences (skiing, bikes, swimming, travelling, walking, parks, baking, cooking etc) as any fool can just buy them toys. And they all have far too many toys anyway and don't really appreciate them . I want them to remember me as the person that helped put fun in their lives and that they learned things from. And interestingly enough when we have family get togethers (with all sets of grandparents present) all the grandkids always run to and play with us and it seems that because of this approach we can get the kids to do anything and everything we want them to do without bribery. Which is far more than their parents can This will no doubt change as they get older but I hope they remember the fun we have now. So grandparenting is fun.
Congratulations. Tip 1 is if there's a bike you want buy it now. I bought my 851 when my wife was 3 months pregnant as I knew I wouldn't ever do it if I didn't then. It's not about the actual money so much as you convince yourself it's is better spent elsewhere. Tip 2. Do the NCT classes. You'll soon enough realise that everything you're told is rubbish but it'll give your wife a peer group to talk to, all in the same situation at the same time. When the little one wont sleep/eat/stop crying/wake up/play/talk/crawl/walk when you want them to, it's so good to have someone you can send a text and just get the reply "yep, mine's the same". For some reason the girls can't easily admit they need help from mums, friends, family etc. It'll give you a peer group to drink beer with when the babies are born.....and invariably chat about baby poo...... Tip 3. As has been said, you'll be winging it. Deal with it. No point getting stressed as babies sense fear like dogs! Tip 4. Get in the habit of going out on the bike when the little one is having its lunchtime nap. You'll need the break. As it'll be sleeping you lose no time with the little one and give your wife a break too. Tip 5. For clothes, go on ebay and buy "bundles". They go through clothes so quick it isn't worth buying everything new, especially if they're wearing it to nursery, the park, beach etc. Just buy good new stuff when you have a special occasion. Having said that our little one wears lots of GAP, Next, converse etc as we buy the brand name bundles - it normally costs about 10% of new price if you buy the bigger bundles. Don't feel the need to be snobbish, it's foolish. Tip 6. Buy a Sophie (giraffe) at teething time - buy this new...... Tip 7. Buy a jumperoo (secondhand) when it's about 6 months. All the best. Our little one is very nearly 3 now, and she's great, she makes us laugh every day.
im quite lucky with the bikes, got the ones i want but its a habit spending money on them still, selling a couple because as said wont have time to ride um all.
Congratulations Al to you both. All i can suggest is start practicing now the 'still asleep trick' for those 3am crying sessions. :wink:
I think I concur with everything there (although I already had the 888 before any up-doffing). Also, charity shops - loads of baby clothes (when they are small, they grow out of clothes before they wear them out...)
Make promises and keep them in full. Or don't make promises. If you make promises and break them, the kids will remember for ever.
Hi everyone, we had the 20 week scan today and I'm pleased to announce that were having a little girl! :smiley:
When my daughter was asked if she wanted to know the sex of her baby she got the nurse to write it down and put it in an envelope, Shelley my daughter then went to a local bakery and asked them to bake a cake and put a coloured filling to match the baby's sex ( blue or pink) then cover it in icing, Shelley then invited close friends and family around for drinks, nibbles and cake cutting. A nice surprise for everyone when it was revealed it was to be a girl. Steve
I just want to say don't try and adapt your life to the baby, adapt the baby to your life. Don't be the dick that wont go out for dinner as the baby needs to be in bed at 8.. They are hardy and adaptable, if you start early you will be able to take them anywhere without issue. I wouldn't start selling bikes just yet, wait and see how it goes All the baby stuff will come natural. Congratulations!
I know previously I said don't sell the bikes but now you'll have'll need the room for shoes! I'm seriously surprised how many pairs of shoes a 3 year old girl needs these days. I ordered a boy but having a girl is great, although pink does get really boring. From the small selection of our peer group with children it appears the girls are a little easier for the early years (until they become teenagers at around 3 - a friend referred to our little one as a threenager the other day which sums it up). If you're still looking for tips I'd add blackout blinds and Britax car seats. There's nothing like complete darkness to help them sleep (especially during the daytime) and we've paid silly money for car seats in my wife's car only to find the Britax one for my cars was better at a third of the price (not aiming to save money but I'm not a snob and she doesn't come in my cars often whereas she's in my wife's every day). Seriously, congratulations and good luck with the DIY now you know what colour to paint the nursery.
Well guys the time has come misses cookster is getting ready for surgery I'll let you know how it all goes