Smart Water Meters ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by noobie, Mar 17, 2017.

  1. Some USA states have indeed introduced legislation to make it illegal for citizens to use rainwater. This is because water supply companies have paid large sums of money in campaign contributions to politicians so that they would vote for such laws.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  2. Yep, £316 yearly charge from Affinity for a 1 bed flat. We are 15 minutes from London and on many of the flats they have been unable before to have meters as the utilities all go through the central collum of the flats so we all are still on the old water rates system of charges

    breaks down like this, Affinity water non metered water charge of £121.46 + a standing charge of £43.20 so a water supply bill of £164.66

    Then Thames water for sewage , non metered charge of £97.05 and a standing charge of £55.05 giving a total sewage charge of £152.10

    Combined yearly total bill of £316.76
  3. don't forget the sheeps piss. It has a distinct smell and taste coming from the mountains
  4. v.true actually. there's places all over the uk and probably beyond
    yip but why isnt it confined to the area behind my house? :Angelic:
  5. [​IMG]
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  6. Ooh ooh, I know this one!

    Is it because the sheepies are all grabbed before they've even had a chance to piss?

    What did I win?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. what would sir like?
  8. The satisfaction that I have you pegged, completely. Thankee sai :)
  9. The NET profits of UK companies in terms of % or T/O are among the highest in the world, typically 25-30% NET. God knows what their gross profit is. Apple don't even make those rates
  10. cool cool. when where thinking of achieving this?
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  11. That's an excellent idea!, I've often though what a waste to use drinking grade water to flush the toilet etc.
  12. The 2,000 year old Roman houses preserved in Pompeii used exactly the same rainwater tank arrangement (although using slaves instead of machines, obviously).
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