I don't have any issue paying for a small monthly subscrtiption but the further I dig the less I like. I've just transferred my old music onto my new itouch and thought \i would wack a lot of music on as walking season is upon me again so I thought something like spotify or apple music. My issue is that although some of the services allow downloaded music so you can listen off line, the more I read the more it appears that unless you regularly connect to the music service then you loose what you have paid for? is this the case if so are there any download music services of any kind where I can load up my itunes libarary with a shedload of music and it will stay there till I decide to take it off?
You never own them: you only rent. Bruce Willis to fight Apple over right to leave iTunes library in will | Film | The Guardian
Best way is to try and get off to save locally, i.e. not in iTunes. I know from my own experience if your account gets closed or deauthorised, and you cant access an old email address to change passwords, you lose the lot.
I use Spotify (free) and then use Audials to record the music and then keep it in a separate folder and also transfer it to Itunes. Audials is able to note adverts that are in the free version of Spotify and then set them for deletion. It works very well although it does mean each album (song or whatever) has to be played once in order to record and keep that album. You can use something like MP3 tag, which is free, if you want to set album art etc. into the file if necessary. Windows Software Audials Software Overview Mp3tag - the universal Tag Editor (ID3v2, MP4, OGG, FLAC, ...) If you have an IPod\Iphone\Ipod Touch there are plenty of programs that will download your music onto a PC hard drive or wherever you want to keep them. I use a NAS (Network Attached Server) media server that links with Itunes so that I can play my full Itunes library ( 3,000 plus tunes) via my TV if I wish or I can just link to a Stereo set up that has Bluetooth or a Wifi connection.
If you do store your music locally, you can back it up (sort of) by downloading Google Music. You can then store up to 50000 tracks in the Cloud for free. Amazing how quickly the 50000 limit starts to run out, though.
Why would someone even think that? finm, I think the constant sound of rain on your corrugated tin roof has made you crazy. Calm down!
I prefer buying CD music; then ripping so I can use them on many devices keeping the original disc safe. The garmin 595LM which I have can do spotify if linked from my phone, do I bother no. I do not understand why sat-nav's don't come with a radio tuner?!?
I have 75 albums at the moment on the pod and those were cd's downloaded into the itunes library I've had since 2008. Some that have been downloaded after being bought have dissapeared. I did wonder about Library cd's that you can rent out for 70p a week but it says they are copy protected but I think I will give that a try too
I might be wrong but isnt the itunes library stored locally in the profile of said user? (assuming youve got a pc or mac with itunes on it) I dont use itunes (loath it) and as other have said here store it locally and back it up.
That's why I was asking because I genuinely do not know having been technically a semi luddite. The stuff I've saved on itunes is still there but spotify saves it is like regain hair growth forumula, unless you keep using it then it dissapears. I'll try to use it by joining there premium , saving it to the tunes and then saving everything to an external hard drive, so my daughter tells me?
if youre on a pc it would (and i may get the final location wrong) at an explorer bar type %appdata% then click on "local" then itunes then library - i think....im going from memory though....when you find the right place youll see it all there - you can just copy and paste it out...
Why aren't you saving your iTunes library and music files to a separate data partition, to make backing up the data far easier? :Angelic:
Say what bruv? My ideal outcome is to load the vajazzle out of the ipod full of songs then never have to worry again