Termignoni Full System

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by soupy G, Mar 21, 2017.

  1. hi hopefully some one out there can help me . I have a 2013 Multistrada 1200 and a friend of mine had a 2012 pikes peak with a full race system on it , he has the bike sold and I bought the full system of him with ecu , fitted the system and ecu bike started but wouldn't rev so put the old ecu back in and it started and revs ok now do I need to get the original ecu remapped and if so where in Northern Ireland would do it many thanks ...
  2. Thread moved to correct section
  3. thank you
  4. Wrong section, we have a technical help section you know :Angelic:
  5. Welcome to the forum soupy.
  6. Not sure if you need the ecu remapped but just give the guys in Millsport a shout, I'm sure they'll advise.
  7. they said I would need a new ecu r a power commander.... but can you not remap my ecu
  8. thank you
  9. Found this -

    Termi Full Exhaust System Install | Ducati MTS1200 Forum

    He's claiming the race ecu is just a stock one reflashed, but no other details. I can't find info on anybody flashing their stock ecu, just the fitment of the race ecu and then the termi map by a dealer.
  10. Is your 2013 a twin spark ?if so you will need a up map for the Termi system, gen 1 multis came with a ecu for the full system , gen 2 came with a up map.
  11. Yes it's a twin spark and where would I get a up map cheers and how much r they roughly thanks
  12. you don't need a pcv , get your ecu remapped , had mine done it was great afterwards and IMHO much better than a generic PCV map or the ducati upmap
  13. Thanks where can I get it remapped I'm in Northern Ireland. Cheers
  14. Apolog
    Apologies I didn't look at my last link properly. It states Up Map Key.

    Call them and see what they say, then just give Millsport a shout back with info. At the very least they'll give you a price.
  15. Know these guys are awesome tuners but don't know if they do Ducati's -

  16. Inn Denmark, my dealer quoted me 350 Pound for an UPMAP key.
    Others have convinced me though that a Rexxer tuning/mapping is just as good or better at approx. 250 P. instead - so that's going to be my route. I'm also running the full Termi system on my 2013 Twin Spark MS and the Corse air filter + airbox mod.
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  17. Gen 1 ECU won't run on your bike. The stock ECU will need flashing or, as mentioned use an UPMAP key "if" you can get one. I use Rexxer and have maps for the 2013 twinspark and can do postal flash. drop me a PM if it's any help.
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  18. Well chat with Jack next time I'm out at his place as I clean his windows lol thanks
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  19. @nelly does a great ReXxer map postal service-send him your ecu and a little loot, and he'll send you a remapped ecu back by return!
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