
Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by JUN, Mar 23, 2017.

  1. Looking out for some decent security, what's the best chain and disc locks out there at the moment please.
    Only due to previous bad experience, learnt my lesson now :(
  2. I'm using a Boss alarm disc lock and bike has tracker fitted for peace of mind
  3. i have two Squire SC50 pad locks both with the Squire Heavy duty hasps on the door
    Squire Heavy duty chain (16mm) and squire SC50 padlock again to a BPGA sold secure ground anchor bolted to the concrete base under my log cabin
    and then the bike is fitted with the Datatool S4C211 green alarm

    and Garage is linked up to house alarm plus door contact sensors and full CCTV that i can access anywhere

    you'd think i live in downtown Baghdad :sunglasses:

    oh and the worst deterrent of them all..... a wife you've just woke up in the middle of the night!!
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  4. Or maybe one of these?!
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  5. 1299 stolen last night in Bromley south London owner only had disc lock on it parked outside 4 scum on mopeds wheeled it away ..don't do ourselves any favours do we .20 grand bike ..come on spend couple hundred on chain and ground anchor
  6. The best Security Chains are Either Almax Series 1V (4) or Pragmasis 19mm

    Forget ALL the cheaper brands - look at videos on Almax website

    I have the Pragmasis chains and torq anchors both from Steve at Security for Bikes

    They also do anti pinch pins that go through rear wheel hub on most Ducatis

    If you use the pin - then you have to use a Squire SS65CS padlock (to fit pin)

    For the chains I use Abloy 362 Padlock

    This package is as tough as it comes - but you dont want to carry them!!

    Anything you fit can be cut with grinders or thermite - but the set up I describe above CANNOT be cropped with bolt croppers.

    But having Rotweillers I find the best security.

    I have ALL the above after a robbery 10 years ago.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Tracker fitted?
  8. alamx chain & abloy pl362 padlock. Ducati are doing a deal with roadlok disc-locks & have them listed in there 2017 acesssories brouchure. Although you could get them from their roadlok uk-suppliees. Once the bike is on it centre stand, endage roadlok device & it cannot be rolled forwards.
  9. +1 for Almax,I wouldn't use anything else, watch the videos on the Almax site, it will really open your eyes about bike security!
  10. Get a tracker!
  11. I have pragmasis 19mm with anti pinch and ground anchor on the rear, then the same minus the anti pinch pin at the front.
    Also have a log bomb and sledgehammer at the ready :)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  12. Roadlok price seems barely cheaper than getting straight from Ducati. Is the Ducati alarm plug and play? (Anti theft system 291.55)
  13. Almax immobiliser series III + Squire SS65CS Lock, Abus Granit Detecto 8077 alarmed disc lock, Tracker
  14. A mate had his pani nicked in central london. It was fitted with tracker,and the theft was reported to the police within minutes, with details of ehere the bike was being taken in the back of a van. For an hour the pooice said they had no units available and the bike was never heard from again after going into the limehouse link tunnels. Tracker is great if the pooice have the resources, but that is less so every year.
  15. Abus granit disc lock - whichever the best one is, I don't remember the exact model number. It's alarmed and tough.

    Pragmasis massive chain to massive ground anchor.

    Abus granit padlock.

    Preferably alarmed garage with locks of good locks on it.
  16. Full coverage insurance.
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