So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I'm just laying around on my day off :) ordering Xmas pressies I'm enjoying lady of leisure.
    Works christmas dinner at 12 so better shift it.
    Nice and sunny here I'm about to put kettle on, coffee anyone

  2. Yes please. :)
  3. Sat at 'ome waiting for the Virgin engineer to upgrade me. If he doesn't turn up I will find him and hurt him, this has cost me half a day's wages.
  4. Picked 2kgs of lemons from lemon tree not sure what to do with them apart from adding them to g&t's
  5. citron confit (er.. what is that in English?) is the way to go. With your preserved lemons, you can use them in some great middle-eastern dishes and they are great put into sea-bass prior to putting in the oven.

    Lemon marmelade would also be high-up on my to-do list.
  6. Lemon meringue, surely..?
  7. My son passed his theory at long last
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  8. Yeahhhhhhhh :)
  9. I made some lemonchello (sp) at the weekend for crimbo..:smile:
  10. Early morning piccy.


    Not today, but yesterday left Fort William at 6.45am and on the way along the banks of Loch Lomond stopped and took an early morning piccy of the view across the water.Thought it came out quite well.

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  11. That's nice, Hugh, but it could use a few flats.

    But no, that's quite picturesque. Which is good, seeing as it is a picture :upyeah:
  12. Well done - if only it would bring his insurance down...
  13. Bike insurance for him is cheap as chips compared - I guess if he hits a Jag on his 125 the damage would be considerably less to the Jag than if he was in a Vauxhall Corsa - he can insure a 33hp bike for under £600 when he's passed his test
  14. Glad I'm an old git, I struggle with the thought of paying less than that to insure all 4 bikes. It's time insurance companies gave newcomers some sort of incentive to get onto 2 wheels and be sensible, maybe something along the lines of an end of year rebate on their premium for the first couple of years if they have no knocks until a reasonable level of NCB is accrued. Hope he gets out and enjoys himself soon.
  15. I think it's downright bloody criminal the amount insurance companies fleece youngsters for (although it's a cast iron guarantee the fruit of your loins will rearrange the scenery at some point, so it's right they should pay more). As insurance is a legal requirement it's about time it was arranged and regulated by a government body rather than by private companies.
  16. EGR valve clean/service on a friends 2006 1.9 dCi Laguna today... the units get clogged with carbon, soot and crap & fail to open/shut properly, causing the ECU to flash error messages & drop the car into limp mode. :rolleyes:





    Hooked carbon out of the manifolds, refitted & all good! Painless... :d
  17. just been out putting a remote battery connection on the 749 to give the tiny race battery a helping hand when starting from cold.

    Then I gave the bike a good clean and got my hands filthy. Needing hand cream now :wink:
  18. Office by 7.15am :rolleyes:. Had a call with a californian. About 30 calls to clients chasing up an invitation I sent last week. A complicated costing for a project. Conference call with people in the UAE. Had lunch. Had a piece of my birthday cake. Had meetings with lawyers this afternoon. Came home and had cereal for tea cos SWMBO is out for the evening in Manchester. Now watching footy and messing around on here.
  19. Freezing my arse off in Morpeth ImageUploadedByTapatalk1354740027.431952.jpg

  20. Woke up in a freezing house (boilers broken) wearing ALL of my clothes (including a bobble hat). Spent the day in the office shivering. Resorted to going to Mum and Dads to stay tonight. Off to posh swanky hotel for a works do tomorrow though. Good times!!
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