I think its about time I got some feedback on a website project of mine that I've been working on. As it stands its about 50% finished, but would really welcome any feedback you can give me. Positive or negative if that's what you choose. I had been wanted to set up my own personal site just documenting my experiences on two wheels for some time after writing stuff for job applications etc and didn't want them just sitting on my PC doing nothing, so I decided to publish them on the web myself. Head behind the bubble - Homepage So please click on the link, have a read and tell me what you think. If you think I have some of my facts wrong (you'll see what I mean when you get there) please let me know so I can correct them and if you have any questions please ask. Finally if you like what you see, spread the word :tongue::tongue: Thanks guys
Matt - Good luck with the promising site. Couple of points: when you say Giandrea Fabbo I think you mean Gianandrea Fabbro; and it's UNICEF not UNISEF. Pete.
nice one matt. setting up a website is something that im interesting in doing. its a good read with a nice clear layout. childs play to navigate. the pics were a little small on my screen (could be my screen res), i would probably have a larger page with smaller borders, but i think everything is very accessible with good content. i liked the header picture..very nice..if you have any advice it'd be greatly received. what software did you use, and who is your host?
Thanks for the feedback. Funky I have sent you a PM, but basically i used the website www.weebly.com, but is very easy to use. Pete thanks again, I have now updated the pages. Nuttynick, many thanks Luca, when is US TV not silly :smile::smile: I will keep on with it. Please check back to see what ive been doing and feel free to comment
I like that, good effort. I wouldn't mind having a bash myself, I've got plenty of bike-related stories, but I've got naff-all photographs.
Just finished updating some articles for the Chris Walker School and my day with Rapid Training for my little website/blog. If you have the time, pop on over and have a read. I'm currently working on an article about the bike show which should be up in a few days. Any feedback is always welcome Head behind the bubble - Homepage
Really, really good. I especially like the chris walker race school write up. I'm considering this myself. It's it worth it? Do they spend the time with you if you're having issues? matt
This looks very interesting and I will return to read it all. The only immediate comment, apart from the fact that I like the layout, is that I don't like the strange marks all over it. I thought my screen was filthy and went to get a cloth to wipe it, but the marks don't rub out - they are part of your design! I think you either need to make them look less like dirt, or get rid altogether. Reminds me of the Monty Python Brand New Bok which had fingerprints printed on the cover. That was fair enough for a Monty Python joke, but I can't quite see what they are meant to achieve here.
BTW - and really don't want to nit-pick here, but [h=2]PARALLELL WORLD - NICK SANDERS[/h] should be "Parallel World" (always a tricky one to spell, that).
Nothing wrong with nitpicking :biggrin: Regarding the funny marks, I know what you mean, but the other themes that are available are more suited to cupcakes :frown: It is pretty easy to change so i'll have a looksie
Thanks for the comments and I hope you enjoyed the read, I still think the article needs a bit of tightening up, but i guess if I go down that road i'll be re-writing everything :tongue: If you havent done many trackdays or havent done CSS, Haslam or even the training at MSV events then very much so. Its a great way to introduce to riding on track, but the best bit is its somebody elses bike and petrol I really enjoyed the day and it didnt feel so much like a factory like the Haslam school. I didnt learn that much mainly because ive started taking my track riding pretty seriously and what was being taught had pretty much covered before. As I said I did enjoy it and the fact that im willing to go back speaks volumes :tongue: