Counter-question: how much of the planet will ultimately remain un-devastated after US support is withdrawn from Israel and Israel uses its nukes in a "from Hell's heart I stab at thee" retaliation against the inevitable Arab invasion.
Maybe the powers that be should remove the nukes from Israel, but then it has a history of ignoring the UN
The situation in the Middle East is fundamentally unstable and unlikely to change any time soon, the next big conflict is inevitable, it is only a question of when. If Israel attacks Iran there will be a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth in public but in the background there will be a few sighs of relief. The belief that international conflict is a result of misunderstandings is deeply flawed, there are fundamental conflicts of interest that will not go away.
They only ever defend themselves and retaliate and kill on a ratio of 10:1 in self defence They are misunderstood, picked on, given a hard time, we should all feel sorry for them as they are gods chosen people or so the media tell us Back in the real world..............................
Religeon seems to me to be a terrible thing. Judaism, Islam and Christianity are all so similar .The Judean People`s Front/People`s Front of Judea piss take is so accurate it is frightening. Look at the women Bishop thingy here the other week.You couldnt make it up, except religeon IS all made up. If the nutters believe everything is gods will then they have to accept that god doesnt really like them very much and is quite happy for them to carry on killing each other. Alternatively either there is no god or he/she/it doesnt give a toss so why bother? On business i have travelled to several Islamic countries and there, more than any where else, it is obvious that religeon is the easiest and most effective way to control the masses. You know there factories in Pakistan that specially make the American flag to burn during demonstrations. Is that Capitalism working or religeous fanatics paying close attention to details?
If I was an Arab living in Palestine in the 40s, and someone told me they'd just taken my land away to give to someone else and I should hop it and shut the fuck up, I think I'd be pretty annoyed about it. I'm not sure I would have got over it yet. It is also deeply ironic that the Jews who were forced into ghettos in WW2 think nothing of doing the same with their Arab neighbours. What is Gaza if not a ghetto?
How far do you go back looking at who has a right to what bit of land? Look at the Falklands as an example and how we have ended up with it at present or how Cyprus was relatively recently carved up. How ridiculous though that for some, eternal war is preferable to sharing the land and a chance of peace.
Agreed, but what would you have the Israelies do about it today ? Do you think that if they stopped building on disputed land that the fundamnetal problem would go away ? Like them or loath them at least they have some balls and are prepared to stand up for themselves.
You should be looking at who makes profit from the continual killing that goes on not just in the middle east but in other countries as well, they are the people that fund and exploit the discontent that creates a demand for weapons = profit, religion is just an excuse for this exploitation.
I always think that that is a somewhat fallacious argument. It's a bit like "If I wasn't supplying them with heroin, they'd only be getting off their heads sniffing glue." Doesn't really work, does it?
I'd say build a large wall around the lot of them and leave them to it. In 5 years take the wall down by which time they will have all distroyed themselves in the name of Allah and Juda or who what every the call God. And rebulld as a holiday resort
I wasn't using it to justify selling weapons to either side. The only point I was making was that they would be fighting anyway due to their fundamental differences.
Well, you could well be right, but it's a pessimistic view. There have been communities where different religions have got on happily enough, taking a tolerant view. But I do think that when there is a great injustice (and you can't conjure a new country out of thin air without upsetting someone), then you are bound to have conflict. I also don't think that Israelis really want to resolve that conflict. They just think, we are a lot more powerful than you so if you give us any gyp we'll snot you. And any excuse is good to steal a bit more land. If the Yanks were prepared to reign them in, they'd have cut out a lot of that nonsense years ago.
Using sticks and stones bows and arrows kills far fewer people and would not interest the arms suppliers as the profit margins are negligible.
Unfortunately that wouldn't work...... Israel are probably the only country in the Middle East with the nuclear option and I doubt that it would take much hesitation for them to use it. As I said earlier, blame the UK and the USA for the state of Israel being where it is located. AL
For Israel the nuclear option is the card that trumps all others when they are faced with destruction. This highlights the insanity of those in this country who would unilaterally disarm.
The middle east needs to be led by someone untarnished by history or religion. Have clarity and vision to show the population the way forward. Showing them how it can be. Unfortunately that person does not exist and the middle east is just a harsher reflection of the rest of the world. People only concerned for themselves and using religion and history as an excuse for their short comings. I have said before in previous threads. The human race has been weighed and measured and been found to be falling short by a country mile.