In light of Ducbird's shockingly sexist 'one for the ladies' thread, I thought us blokes should have our own little corner where we can perv at the opposite sex while pretending to look at motorbikes. Birds on bikes it is, then. Try to keep it reasonably clean...
Hang on a minute this is not fair!!! You get birds on a bike and the girl at Ducati Sheffield?? We got James Toseland and Guy Martin ( who really aren't my cuppa as I prefer something to grab onto... When going round sharp bends). Also us women know that men are bottoms or chests sort I think we now know your preference lol!!!
Awww figaro the one for the ladies was on the back of the thread of the young lady all you guys were lusting after
I could be totally wrong here, but I believe the above to be "Tula" aka Caroline Cossey, aka Barry : Caroline Cossey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia which makes this the most unsexist thread possible!
Dunno about you, mate, but I'd rather be fully aware of what's under the bonnet than just kick the tyres and admire the shiny bumpers before I go on a ride, thank you very much!:wink:
The only thing sexist is theres never a hot pic of a bloke on with the exception of JT, we just get shite like this So the moral of this thread is Bikes and women rule!!!