848 Dtc: Which Tyres Are Compatible?

Discussion in 'Tyres' started by redsail, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. Which new spec 180 tyres are compatible with the DTC fitted to the 848 SE?

    Seems the rosso corsa 3s are getting good reports, are they the same profile as the 2s?

    What else would work?
  2. Didn't think tyre mattered as it's the ring on the actual wheel it uses to sense wheel speed. Profile shouldn't make a difference as a wheel spinning faster than the front is doing so no matter the tyre.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. it matters. According to the Ducati doc I read. I was unaware of this fact until today :(
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  4. Thread moved
  5. Wouldn't worry about it too much tbh, just turn it off and forget about it :)
  6. Its saved my bacon at least twice so, I definitely want it on (exactly how much 'on' is another matter). Do you know which tyes work with it as designed apart from rosso corsas? Would like a bit more road miles than the RCs gave last time I used them.
  7. So long as your rolling radius is within a small tolerance of the manufacture's recommendations, you should be fine. This calculator might be of help but make sure you put the aspect ration in correctly, .60 not 60
    RB Racing Tire Diameter Calculator Andy
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  8. I've fitted PR4s which are about as far away from OEM as you're likely to fit. DTC did seem even more intrusive so I turned it down further, but works just as well/ badly as before
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Doesn't the rolling radius change as you tip it over though? Hence the profile across the tyre being important as far as the DTC is concerned? The Ducati doc was pretty adamant NOT to use non oem tyres for DTC values above 3.

    I've noticed a lot of weirdness with the TC above 4. Current rear is a conti sportattack2 seemed OK at DTC=4 on dry clean roads, but was out today using level 7 (bit damp in places, dusty in others) and I'm beginning to wonder if some of the lack of feel was due to the DTC. Perhaps the lack of bite at the rear is really the effect of the TC??
  10. I had D211's fitted last year, not really ideal for the road (I was on the track too) and the DTC saved a big tank slapper as I pulled out of my road on the cold 211. DTC might not be cutting edge tech, but it worked then :blush:
  11. I agree. I do keep it on (L2 I think), it's worth having for diesel spills/ other excuses for my hamfistedness. A world away from the newer systems that you can actually lean on though.
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  12. Yep, I need all the help I can get! It saved me again on track coming out of the hairpin at Pembrey. Highsides hurt.

    I seem to recall that lower setting (maybe below 4?) still allow some sliding of the rear. On the road with unpredictable surfaces and such I would like it set higher and work correctly, I'm not so worried about the effect on performance (it does have a marked effect on acceleration set that way). The road is really not the place you want to take a tumble.
    #12 redsail, Apr 2, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2017
  13. You c
    I think you are crediting the traction control with too much intelligence. As you rightly say, the rolling radius will change with what part of the tyre is in contact with the road depending on profile which is why I said "within a small tolerance". Unfortunately I do not know what that tolerance is but when I inadvertently fitted a 50 profile tyre instead of a 55 profile which is about 0.5" less in tyre height, my traction control and ABS couldn't detect the difference. As to the "weirdness" you have experienced, I have no experience to suggest a reason. The traction control on my 1098R has only intervened in the wet on a zero mile new tyre. The traction on my Multistrada has to my knowledge never intervened in 15000 miles in all conditions. Andy
    #13 Android853sp, Apr 2, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2017
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  14. What level do you have it set at Andy?

    The Ducati doc I read that explained how the system worked. Hyperbolic...yes maybe. Interestingly it also said that if fitting race fairings that the DTC ecu in the tail be refitted in exactly the same orientation (even had a pic with axes showing the correct fitting). Now, I didn't think that DTC had any accelerometers or gyros, so I can't see how the orientation matters. So maybe the guff about fitting oem spec profile tyres is nonsense...
  15. Not sure if the 848 DTC uses lean angle and slip, I think its just slip (its fairly crude)

    I agree with Android above. As normal :)

    I'd put whatever tyre you fancy on, 55 or 60 profile, and work it from there. May be some need to go up (e.g. was 4, now 5) or down (was 4, now 3).
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  16. Yeah, I was sure it was just wheel speed differential, gear and throttle as inputs... no lean angle. Strange they mention the orientation of the ecu. I've had a 190 55 on before and seemed no different but was using a much lower setting. Maybe its simply not that good at higher settings and its nothing to do with tyres... but they do mention different tyres are out of tolerance for the system and in such cases to use 3 or less.
  17. 1098R is set on 3, Multistrada is either on or off. There is a special mounting bracket for the 1098R DTC module when using race fairings. I'm a nuts and bolts person, electrickery is witchcraft to me :Bag:. Andy
  18. when I had it set in 4 the other day it didn't intervene at all either. But I've noticed it come on accelerating in a straight line with other tyres. Level 7 was like a disco yesterday!

    Here's that doc btw

    Ducati Traction Control Explained by Hell For Leather Magazine - issuu
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  19. Not quite sure about some of the FAQs. I found some of the explanations contradictory but that is probably my numptyness. Interesting statement on page 13, "there is a general misconception about wheel speeds when cornering on different rolling-diameters of tyre section. This has no effect on DTC when comparing wheel speeds". It will take a bit of experimentation but I am sure that there will be an acceptable compromise between tyre choice and DTC intervention. Have fun. Andy
  20. That makes no sense what so ever.
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