Cyclists on the telly

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wantz1, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. bbc1 docu about camera wearing cyclists - terrible language lol

    War on Britains Roads
  2. well worth a watch
  3. Yes lots of bad language and Lycra
    #3 Char, Dec 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2012
  4. I'm trying very hard not to watch that. On my bike, I've had all the near misses, repeated all the swear words and probably broken all the laws in the book. Including speeding.

    I can see it from both sides tho...
  5. theres some nasty spills and car drivers, glad i keep my cycling to the New forest tracks
  6. But they don't need a licence so no 'hazard awareness' training - many dont see from a car drivers view unfortunately

    as many car drivers don't see from a motorcyclist view
  7. havnt you got the badge too?:eek:
  8. Step 1: get cyclists off the roads and onto the pavements
    Step 2: get cyclists off the pavements
    Step 3: get cyclists

    Three steps to Heaven! :upyeah:
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  9. eco terrorists that need to learn the road code before they complain about out road users that have insurance and pay road tax
  10. I watched it & was a bit shocked by it! I haven't been on the streets of London during working hours for a long time and didn't realise it was so bad. Some of the cyclists seemed to have a death wish, and some of the drivers were just as bad as they are everywhere!
  11. That prick Gareth needed a slap from somebody...

    Yes mate, we think you are riding like a cock because you are. Stop acting all surprised because people want you the fk out of the way when you are riding down the middle of the road?

    Your camera will end up viewing your prostate before long. :wink:
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  12. What was the term given to born again cyclists of age 40 plus in Lycra?

    i didn't catch it.
    grrrr the Bain of my life at the mo.
    we have militant pain in the but cyclists here.

    hmm why don't I like them..
    riding down the road in the middle of the road at a leisurely pace in rush hour.. Really is that a good idea?

    Falling off in front of my car causing me to Di an emergency stop because you are pissed as a fart.

    While we all stop at a red light you just carry in riding through it.

    as above but switch to cycling in the pavement to avoid red light and stuff pedestrians.

    trying to ride up hill when you clearly can't especially in rush hour so there's a huge tail back of 29 plus cars behind you.

    when the council have spent council tax on special cycling routes underpasses and special shirt cuts.
    You ignore all of these and still ride down the middle if the main road slap bang in centre with a que behind you.

    Lycra didn't look good on Jane Finda or the Green Giddess .. These are fitness freaks ... Why do you think it looks good in you?
    orange Lycra is see through .. I don't want to see what you had for breakfast in the way to work thanks .

    The fact that the attitude is horrendous . If we hit you and it's your fault we have to pay because your uninsured .
    The fact one turned in front of my Dad and caused him to have an accudent first one ever!!
    the cheeky barsteward sent my Dad a bill for his gear and bike that was a joke!
    unlucky judge found cyclist guilty and my Dad did not have to pay.

    I don't like Cyclists on the road.
  13. Sorry auto correct changes common words !!!
  14. When they show this footage, do they show the bits where the cyclists are jumping red lights, riding on pavements carving up pedestrians, going the wrong way up one-way streets, riding two or more abreast, abusing other road users, etc? (I've not watched the program). And if the cameras were attached to motorcycles or scooters, do you think the police would pursue the footage in order to gain a conviction for the same behaviour..?

    Time to register bicycles and make the users responsible.
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  15. It was fairly evenly balanced, they showed plenty of footage of cyclists being nobs. That guy that said 'I WILL command a road' was very annoying.
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  16. Tbh I thought it made all of them look like noobs especially that bicycle copper who had satanic eyes and a lust for blood
  17. That would be what I meant by evenly balanced
  18. What, evenly balanced on both sides, or just one?

  19. All three actually
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