Then you haven't read article 50 duke. It is 2 years then a clean break, UNLESS BOTH SIDES agree to extending it. May will want this done before the 2020 election
Rich as in Germany couldn't beat Europe militarily so did it financially but Germany still rules Europe which ever way you dress it up, kinda rich?
Because Germany economically and socially understands the best way to build a Society, the U.K. Doesn't. That's why it's the most powerful economy in Europe.
And the UK is the second most powerful. It would be number 1 if a few economically illiterate romantics didn't keep saddling us with disastrous spells of socialist government every few years.
so, being the sheep that you are. how where you feeling pre the media hatefest? Public opinion and the EU: Brexit: a solution in search of a problem | The Economist
Like a game of cards this; EU leaders like Guy Verhofstadt are proving Brexit was the right choice | Coffee House
see you soon Guy, you da man. ticktock. European Parliament overwhelmingly backs Guy Verhofstadt's Brexit negotiation red lines | The Independent
I'm sure I read that France had overtaken the U.K. last year in terms of GDP. Britain has one of the worst productivity rates in Europe and is currently being saddled with big prices increases from imported goods.