Is the Middle-East doomed?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by gliddofglood, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. That is extremely funny! You will remember (maybe not) that the Khomenei regime termed the US the Great Satan owing to its support for the Shah. You will also remember that the Shah was installed via a CIA fomented coup d'état and dirty tricks campaign because the US and GB didn't like the previous guy who wanted to nationalise some of the Western owned oil companies. The Shah of course sucked up to the West, bought loads of tanks and weapons from us, had a secret police, tortured people and generally pissed a lot of Iranians off.

    You wouldn't probably have the current Iran situation had not the Americans interfered to install the Shah. That's what they don't understand: the CIA dirty tricks always come and bite them on the bum a few decades later (if not sooner).
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  2. I've lived in the Middle East for two years. I have to say, the Middle East is a big place and not all countries are the same. Living and working in the UAE (live in Dubai but work in Abu Dhabi) I find the locals very accommodating, in essence, the ex-pats leave them alone and they leave us alone. Being vegetarian and a non-alcohol drinker, nothing really affects me here. However, if you are so inclined, alcohol is legal and freely available and every supermarket has a "non-muslim" section where you can find pork, etc.

    I am a Training Captain for a major airline here and I teach local guys both in the aircraft and simulator. They are amongst the most polite, respectful, willing to learn and hard working individuals I have ever met. Likewise, the locals are the same. They very seldom initiate a conversation, but if you engage them they are charming. As an ex-pat, I can do anything here that I did in the UK. The locals do not object in any way to ex-pats living a European lifestyle. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar, Yemen, etc., are different and should not be compared to other countries in the area.

    Generally, I am happy here. I get paid well, don't pay tax, there is virtually no crime and I am left alone. The only problems in this part of the world are the driving standards are not existent, summer is difficult and the UK and Australian management suck even more than they do in their respective home countries.

    Finally, I am not in the least bit religious and no one here has ever tried to discuss religion with me.
    #62 flyer47, Dec 7, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2012
  3. They never seem to learn do they and it isnt as if they have to look too far back in time for examples of where their interference has gone badly wrong. Iraq and Afganistan to name just 2.
  4. I would prefer a peaceful path to a democracy of their own choosing, but i maintain that the alternative path i outlined above is preferable for the west than the current regime with a nuclear weapon.
    Without nuclear weapons they cannot easily export very much of their ideology into Europe. If they want to kill each other rather than get along i refuse to lose sleep over it.

    Of course it would be better if they could get along but theres very little sign of that happening and as long as they keep the violence away from me and mine thats all i can hope for.
  5. You'd probably find that there are all sorts of enlightened Iranians who want nothing better than to be left alone by the Islamic police and revolutionary guards. Probably even a majority. I'mADinnerJacket almost got ousted from power. It is typical of weak dictators or other politicians that they always try to get the country to focus on outside enemies as it bolsters support at home. The Argentine president started grumbling about the Malvinas again the other day - just because inflation is going through the roof.

    Given time (so long as they don't blow up Israel first) the Iranians will probably come round. But if you go and stir them up, it'll probably only end in tears.
  6. Unfortunately you only have look back to fairly recent history. Middle & near east came about as it was partitioned by the brits and french after WW1, if you've read any factual TEL it's all there. Forget the film (pretty to look at) but largely a fiction. Also tonight on Radio 4 BBC Radio 4 - Archive on 4, Lawrence of Arabia: The Man and the Myth

  7. Corrected for you.
  8. The big difference nowadays is the internet, and how it affects the youth. Changes are happening all over the world - albeit overseen by the powermongers - and individual nations with their individual quirks are slowly being ironed out by the popular majority. The question is, is this a good thing?
  9. President Kirchner's speech was probably drafted by her by the First Sea Lord, trying to fight off cuts to the Royal Navy budget.
  10. ...and the Brough Superior

    Corrected for you.
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