Newbie Craig

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Craig forster, Apr 15, 2017.

  1. Hi guys I've just bought my first bike for 20years a multistrada 950. I'm from Stoke now living in Burton. Would appreciate any advice on decent security devices I can use while out and about. Cheers
  2. Hello and welcome into the mad house newbie Craig
    Did you go for a red one? :)
  3. Hi Ducbird yeah I did I test rode it last week get it on Tuesday. What's yours?
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Welcome , please don't leave just yet!!
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  5. Errrrm :Shy: it was an SS
    I'm saving for a red scrambler
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    • WTF WTF x 1
  6. Morning newbie...welcome to our society
    • Funny Funny x 3
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Hi Craig, welcome!

    Fellow forum newbie here!

    I take delivery of my new bike in just over a week and have also been looking at security. I'm sure there's plenty of info on here for what people use and various experiences, as Ducatis are pretty desirable things to own, and therefore unfortunately steal.

    My personal opinion on bike security, and having seen how brazen the current generation of thieving scum bags are (as in, they don't give a crap about the general public filming them on their mobiles), any security device you put on your bike will only slow them down if they really want to take it. As an owner, my job is to make it less appealing to steal than the bike it's parked next to. Obviously you don't want to carry huge heavy duty chains and locks around all the time, so something smaller, lighter but just as good or better is required. The bike I'm picking up has the standard factory security (immobilizer, data-tag and obviously steering lock (you'd be amazed how many people don't use the steering lock when parking up!)), none of those are visible / visual deterrents when parked up though. Knowing that chains and locks can be fairly easily and quickly cut, and cut in silence, I'm going to be purchasing one of these ABUS Brake disc lock GRANIT Victory X Plus 68 (500301011000)

    As I mentioned further up, any security that we use can be defeated, it's just how long it takes to do that and how much attention it attracts when doing it which is why I'm going to try out the above. A portable grinder will deal with pretty much anything you put in front of it, but it will make a hell of a noise and is a pretty visible sight. This model disc lock is sposed to spin when being attacked with a grinder so the cutting disc is less likely to gain purchase, so it should help slow down any attack, but it certainly isn't grinder proof and eventually, it will fail. They look small enough to have one on each wheel if you wanted to go for that option, and still be lighter than any chain / lock combination.
  8. Hi Craig,how about a big dog?
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  9. Welcome Dave
  10. Ha ha I have a dog but only a small one
  11. Brilliant info SCB Thankyou I'm going to check out one of those thanks for taking the trouble to reply
  12. Welcome to our society Craig. :upyeah:
  13. Thankyou
  14. No problem mate

    Unfortunately, a few of the forum members know first hand about security requirements due to the previously mentioned thieving scum bags, however this is leading to an interesting thread on various security options you may also want to read through:
  15. No problem mate

    Unfortunately, a few of the forum members know first hand about security requirements due to the previously mentioned thieving scum bags, however this is leading to an interesting thread on various security options you may also want to read through:
  16. Thanks for the thread it's depressing reading .I hope it doesn't happen to either of us so I'm going to step up my security. Thanks again
  17. There's two of you? :Nailbiting: Welcome the both of you :upyeah::upyeah:
    • Like Like x 2
  18. Welcome, your red Duke has probably got 30 bhp more in the Multi 950 than the other colours!! :)
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Hello & Welcome from another Stokey, living in loggerheads
    • Like Like x 2
  20. Thanks
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