pushed around generally goes backwards and forwards in the confines of a garage - besides, it's been inside his house. 1 mile a year pushing is a long way every year ompus:
Maybe he's scared to start it, so pushes it around the house making Ring-da-da-ding-ding-ding noises while lighting a 2 stroke candle for the full authentic feel. You're such an untrusting cynic, Stu. That's a perfectly plausible reason for it to have 28 miles on the odometer. It's what I would do if I owned it. 2 Stroke Smoke Candle – Flying Tiger Moto
If you fancy something a bit sharp in the straightline stakes... Aprilia RSV Turbo Nitrous Drag bike road legal
one for your pension fund BSA ROCKET 3. 1972 Home Market, fully rebuilt, one of the last made - rare. | eBay
That's the one ,absolutely immaculate , 11k miles and lots of owners of owners .As Roberano said ,it wasn't for sale at the time but I got the feeling business could have been done