On Tour With Engine Problem

Discussion in 'Monster' started by Oly, Apr 21, 2017.

  1. On tour in France on my m12r.
    Riding this afternoon when suddenly bike started to run rough, no power. Then after a mile massive backfire then cut out.
    Bike restarted and seems ok.
    Does anyone know whether this is a problem that needs sorting or just a hiccup
  2. Possible crap foreign fuel ?

    Certainly never had that happen to mine over 1000miles down
  3. I put 98 Ron fuel
    In but if hAppened as I was getting low on fuel
  4. Flapper valve sticking? Maybe?
  5. It's not the RON rating - it's the quality of the fuel that would cause issues.
    I use super Unleaded all the time - never had an issue in the UK.
  6. it looks as though it's a known problem, but hopefully won't result in a total breakdown if this user is anything to go by :-
    (First 5 minutes)
  7. Update- noticed screen was flickering and battery at 11.5 v
    Took batttery cover off and positive terminal screw was very loose. Tightened up and all
    Is well, must have worked loose as it was only serviced 400 miles
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  8. Probably didn't check it on service..
  9. Or maybe disconnected it as part of the service, reconnected it but failed to tighten it... :/
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  10. I use French 95 as the bike was designed for, and do so in all of my bikes and I have never had a problem either.
  11. I use high octane but only in the vain hope there might be less ethanol in it
    #11 Old rider, Apr 24, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2017
  12. I would do the same if I could alter the ignition timing to suit the high octane, but I can't so I do what the factory say to do and use 95 as that is what my timing is set for.
  13. Are you saying the higher octane rating is not only wasted but detrimental?
    I know it can theoretically cause hotter running...
    As I said, I only use it because some folk reckon it tends to have a lower percentage of ethanol.
    I'm well aware there's no performance advantage.
  14. Girlfriend mistakenly pulled up at the super unleaded only pump so put a full tank in her Diavel. Decided to compare with ordinary unleaded and yes, no immediately noticeable increase in outright performance but over about 300 miles, definitely better consumption by better than 10%. Andy
  15. Many will tell you that they got 20% more power or 30% more mileage out of using the higher octane, but the theory is that 95 and 98 burn at different speeds. What people think that they get on a tank of fuel that is not consumed in exactly the same conditions should not be mixed up with scientific tests. To have the maximum expansion of burn at exactly the right place when the piston is being pushed down ensures maximum efficiency and maximum power.
    I cannot remember when I studied this subject as it was many years ago now, but I think that I remember that it is about 3 to 5 degrees of crank rotation between the two fuels and that is why ignition timing should be altered between the two.
    The worst that you will be doing is losing a miniscule amount of power or using slightly more fuel but if it makes you feel go go for it.
  16. Does her Diavel have a self-adjusting ecu that adapts the timing according to the 'knock' ?
  17. 3-5 degrees sounds like a surprisingly big difference.
  18. Lose battery terminal certainly doesn't help :)
    Travelled quite a lot through europe in the last 6 years, I never noticed any difference when it comes to fuel performance or quality.
    With premium fuel the engine does feel a little bit more "responsive" and slightly better mileage..but not worth the extra ££
    I fill up every second tank with premium just to clean the system or before winter storage as it does not have ethanol.
  19. E15 and E85 have ethanol in France, not sure about 95 and 98.
    A while ago some stations were only selling E15 and not 95 but that never lasted long as they all sell 95 now.
  20. Pass. The bike is a 2012MY with a dealer fitted titanium Termignoni half system that came with a replacement dedicated ECU and I think it still has the lambda sensors connected. Don't know anything more technical than that I'm afraid. Andy
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