Let us also remind ourselves that Kate was just suffering from morning sickness, like many women do. I wonder how many the NHS is prepared to hospitalise for it? "Please make an appointment at your surgery for 2 week's time". It's not as if she was in a life-threatening situation. What is the hospital supposed to have revealed? "She's now feeling much better, thanks." Of course, it's just a hoo-ha to sell more papers: Media creates an event, blows it up out of proportion, sadly someone naively commits suicide, media blows the thing up even more. Now everyone is happy except the Royal Family, the nurse's family, the hospital and the radio station. Result for the punters and all the other media.
Having been hospitalised for so called morning sickness Hyperemesis gravidarum is constant sickness as soon as you move you are sick it's worse than sea sickness You can't even keep water down and it causes keytones that can damage your liver. I was told to man it up when eventually I got to hospital losing a stone in weight my veins had disappeared I spent a week being hydrated and couldn't eat for most of my pregnancy It's the most depressing illness being constantly stuck in the toilet bowl My second pregnancy was the same. It really annoys me when people assume it's just morning sickness Grrrrr
Obviously you say this based on your own experiences of having hyperemesis gravidarum do you? ...and yes in extreme cases it can be life threatening and like Viv has said already, the NHS does hospitalise for it in some cases.
Thanks for setting the record straight, DB. "Regular" morning sickness is no joke, from what I have seen. This enhanced form must be bloody awful and yes, if untreated is very bad news for mother and child. Props to Glidd for putting his hand up :smile:
It's ok guys Thanks Glidd I had been watching the thread and I had to reply It's very serious and can have underlying complications The baby gets all it needs at the expense of the mothers health. Feeling nauseous is bad enough but to be constantly sick from the moment you open your eyes is awful This can go on for all 40 weeks or just the first 16 Unfortunately I had to use anti sickness suppositories through mine and complan it made being pregnant unenjoyable and cause rows between the families.
Also if any of you guys have partners who go through this it really is better to be treated straight away don't be fobbed off because trying to find veins isn't nice I had to have mine in the crease of my elbow and that hurts like hell. So if your partner is vomiting at the slightest movement and can't drink anything then you need to get her to hospital. My second pregnancy I was treated earlier as they were aware and I managed to get by with anti sickness till week 16 and acupuncture
First time I was horrendous from the time I found out. its not morning sickness it's morning afternoon night , I was for a while able to have sips of lucozade and that was it . i was told its normal and shows a healthy pregnancy. i too was loosing weight and everything was setting me off. you can't function. in the end I had to take anti sickness medication throughout which was not with out it's risks . But like Viv says the baby feeds off you . In a harsh way it's quite parasitical!!! If its not getting what it needs from your diet then it will rob you of calcium and all sorts. which is why years ago women used to get sick and frail and loose teeth. i then got pre- eclampsia ... That's not good at all luckily the next time I had not bad a time except sickness. next time I want to come back as a man!!! Then I'd just get man flu scuse my bad I s stupid phone !
It was a combination of thoughtless prank , bad hospital management and security. Media hype. The poor woman was just doing her job. There must have been an added element for her to take her life. She obviously was fragile. I feel sorry for the nurses children.
Is there ANY sickness, illness, malaise, complaint, medication or other issue that you haven't got experience of?
Oh dear, I doubt that you would have that view if the nurse involved was one of your friends or relatives (that's if you have some friends)....