When you guys have the bike parked up for winter do you guys fill the tank with fuel and add some fuel stabiliser, or do you drain the tank and leave it until spring?
Never used stabilizer in my life?? Last Winter both tanks got drained & lived in padded cardboard boxes in the spare room to eliminate ANY chances of condensation/rusting etc, this year the SS has had its tank sealed anyhoo so I have been blapping around on it within the last few days!
Never used stabiliser, have used the 'winter' fuel without any problem but if, as is usual, I'm servicing/setting the bike up then I'll drain it out (into my car) and use fresh fuel for the setup.
Just my two pence worth.... If you have drained the tank recently i.e to change the filter etc. Then I would fill the tank and forget about it. However if the tank hasn't been drained and flushed for a while, I would empty the tank. The reason being, petrol floats on water so filling it won't help. Water builds up over a period of time and will sit at the bottom of the tank. I'm sure anybody on here who has drained a tank that's hasn't been done for a while will confirm the brown rusty sludge that comes out.
Infidel :smile: At the current time, it's been sat for just under two weeks with not much fuel in it, so it should be pretty easy to do either
My 2p's worth-I left a small quantity of fuel in my 5 gallon alloy tank on my triton last winter.Come the Spring I had to drain the tank of what looked like stale beer and clear the water out of the carb float bowls.This year I have brimmed the tanks and included a fuel stabilizer.The stabilizer deals with ethanol fuel,although I try to use non ethanol fuel when I can get it.Having said the above I must say old british bikes with dodgy 50 year old magnetos can be tricky buggers even with new fuel!
Just fill to brim with fuel. My bikes get so little attention over the winter it's frightening. Unheated garage, no electricity. On the plus side, they've been perfectly reliable without a load of mollycoddling, though I suspect a new battery will be required for next season (bike is 7 years old now).
Don't be ridiculous, man. These are Ducaaartis, they must be fed with DP truffles at least once a week or they'll never start again. I serenade mine every night...