I don't have time to look inside right now but my bike is on the cover (albeit at the bottom with a teeny little pic) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dave, I just got back yesterday from a fantastic long weekend in Wales on my 899, just under 1,000 miles. My Bike mag subscription was waiting for me, even though I was knackered I had a good read through it, Kudos to you mate for using the bike instead of wrapping it up indoors like an ornament!! I've only ever seen one Desmosedici on the road and that was about 4 years ago in Hawes, Yorkshire. I heard it coming for about 20 seconds before I saw it, thought it sounded like a V4 Priller at first! The bike had a crowd about 6 deep around it, just gawping at it, the owner was a middle aged guy who worked on the rigs and just fancied blowing his cash on something special, his laid back attitude was summed up by the fact he just had a leather jacket and jeans on, not full one piece leathers, good for him. Nice to see something this special on the road, keep up the good work!
Top man!! That's what bikes are for. There's a guy in Southport who I've seen out & about on his. Saw it this Sunday, looks like he's had a pinkish? ceramic coating or something on the exhaust. Anybody local seen it and cn shed some light on the coating or are you on here? Looks cool though:sunglasses:
@El Toro & @chizel told me that was because you were considered too ugly to be in front of the camera. :Snaphappy: Just saying what they told me, like.
It was so the camera wouldn't break for sure - but any uglier than those two could actually be considered handsome perhaps seeing as you can't get worse - do you not have a good understanding of the universe and how strange things sometimes can be
I thought it was because with El Tornado on one side of the picture and Chiz on the other, the camera might have stood half a chance. But stick you in the middle :Bag: and it's not going to end well for the lens. :Snaphappy: Thanks for giving the real reason. **This thread's went slightly off topic, hasn't it? :Wideyed: