
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. Life is merchandised
    Uncle Sam's street theatre
    Fact and fiction blurred
  2. Together always
    Valentino and Uccio
    Best mates since childhood
  3. Barn's burnt down --
    I can see the moon

    A friend of mine, who had been suffering with deep depression and PTSD after a horrendous head on collision with a young tearaway driving a souped up Fiesta, that left him with brain damage,read this and had a Zen moment of insight which has hugely contributed to his ongoing but slow recovery!

    I think it's superb.
  4. No Haiku, but one of my favorite poems:

    Searching For The Hermit In Vain

    I asked the boy beneath the pines
    He said, "The master's gone alone
    Herb-picking somewhere on the mount,
    Cloud-hidden, whereabouts unknown."

    by Chia Tao who lived during the T'ang dynasty (777-841
  5. A constructive fire
    Since the shadow barn burned down
    I can see the moon
  6. Ethanol in tanks
    Problems for some more than others
    All should be aware

  7. Where are the others?
    In November, cold and wet
    monster, waits alone.
  8. They're tucked up in bed
    Waiting for winter to pass
    Springtime renaissance
  9. Ethanol in fuel
    Don’t panic, please don’t panic
    Deal with it calmly
  10. You may say so, sat
    on a fireproof office chair.
    Balls ablaze, tune changed.
  11. Leaking tank, fireball
    Don't panic, don't panic, just
    Burn baby burn
  12. You thought you knew him
    Rug pulled certainties shattered
    Life's lived in the dark
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Hannibal is dead
    Carthago delenda est
    Scipio has won.
  14. Super lightweight bike
    But heavy weight found hiding
    When rider must push.
  15. Life is maintenance
    Entropy arrow of time
    Human condition
  16. This Autumn midnight
    Orion’s at my window
    shouting for his dog.

    [by Carol A. Coiffait]
  17. Check oil in piecrust
    Tickle Amal, swing kickstart
    Norton fires easily
    Early lesson learned
    'Non conspuere in ventum'
    When riding the bike
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Oh it's so unfair!
    They wailed, stamping little feet
    Cyclist's jumped the lights
  19. my right of way on track
    amoung trees your dark without hi viz
    umbrage on asphalt avoidable displeasure
  20. Dark clothes under trees
    Abrasions on hard asphalt
    It’s my right of way
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