Barn's burnt down -- now I can see the moon A friend of mine, who had been suffering with deep depression and PTSD after a horrendous head on collision with a young tearaway driving a souped up Fiesta, that left him with brain damage,read this and had a Zen moment of insight which has hugely contributed to his ongoing but slow recovery! I think it's superb.
No Haiku, but one of my favorite poems: Searching For The Hermit In Vain I asked the boy beneath the pines He said, "The master's gone alone Herb-picking somewhere on the mount, Cloud-hidden, whereabouts unknown." by Chia Tao who lived during the T'ang dynasty (777-841
Check oil in piecrust Tickle Amal, swing kickstart Norton fires easily =================== Early lesson learned 'Non conspuere in ventum' When riding the bike
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