Ducati Forum Members Map - V 2.0

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rob, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. Green= windfarm sites and Blue flood risk areas :biggrin:
  2. Better to go back into the north sea for a wash then.......................:tongue:
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  3. That'll be because it's you and your logged in......I'm orange when I look at my marker.
  4. So what about the blues and greens?
  5. Blues are for mental strength, greens are for physical strength (or is it the other way round?)
  6. Is there a menu link to it anywhere?
  7. There's one in the new members section at the top...if that's any good.
  8. One from the Quicklinks or Community menu in the main bar might be a good idea.
  9. I'm there :upyeah:
  10. Ah....I wonder if Rob is working that one, there was one in there when the first external map was added iirc. I'm sure it's do'able
  11. Yes I'm going to put a link in the navigation bar. Just didn't have time to code it last night :)
  12. I know I'm a bit of a PC fool, but my map don't load? Do you have to do it on computer..
  13. Works on my PC, lappy, and iPad. You are a Luddite.
  14. Markers in green are members who are online now. Members in blue are doing something else.

    Orange is you.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Just updated my location, well not quite, but its close enough :tongue:
  16. Just zoom in till you can get it accurate. It's easy. :smile:
  17. worked fine on the pc, pinned my neighbours house just in case, hes got a xj, imagine the thieves disappointment :smile:
  18. I dont want it to be accurate. Ive got £10ks worth of bike sat in my house
  19. Who's bike is there like? :tongue:
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