Urgent 1299 Luggage Help Needed

Discussion in 'Touring' started by JJ1299, May 8, 2017.

  1. I'm leaving on Sunday for a 10 day tour in Spain on my 1299. I have Kriega US luggage 1x30 and 2x20. I have been waiting for the Kriega fitting kit which arrived this week. My issue is that it doesn't work. The fitting loops on the bike are 4 inches apart and the female parts of my luggage are 8 inches (20ltr) and 10" (30ltr) apart. This means that either the front or the rear straps have to be fitted diagonally. It is impossible to stop the bag moving as they slide forward as soon as you go over a bump. I suspect they would work with a 10ltr bag but unsure as I don't have one.

    I need help on another solution before Sunday!

    I like the Motech Blaze panniers but the website says for 1199. Has anyone managed to fit them to a 1299 and if so is it an easy fit?

    This is a 1299 issue that I need answers for please and I know there are solutions for the 1199 which has a different seat unit but I need to know what works on a 1299.

    All sensible suggestions welcome. Thanks in advance. Don't panic.
  2. Ventura stuff works well. I hacked an 1199 Ventura rack to fit my 1299, but now I understand that they have a dedicated 1299 rack. If you go the Ventura route, don't get the big 50l bag. you will only end up filling it with crap you won't need. You will have to get your skates on though, and hope that all the bits you need are in stock!
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  3. I had the same issues on mine. Tighten it right up and the Kreiga bags don't move. Honest.
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  4. I have a 1299 and use Kriega tail packs, US20 and US10. I sorted it my self as Kriega didn't have a solution which seems to work ok. I posted some pics on a thread on the forum. If you can't find it, let me know and I will re-post pics and explanation of what I did
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  5. Are these the newer type straps with hooks into rear subframe? If so maybe try and get older style loops that are continuous under seat unit. Care where you tuck them can make more secure. Make sure base of bag has squishy stuff in where it contacts seat so it can mould to it. Temptation is always to put trainers there but it makes it more slidey. Add a small piece of toolbox liner under bag. Does rear seat have the pillion grab strap across it like 848, if so then threading the top closing strap through that before closing bag also secures it further.

    I just use one 20l now, sold the two 10l as it just wasn't working. I'm now expert at living off 20l of luggage.
    #5 "Its_just_a_ride", May 8, 2017
    Last edited: May 8, 2017
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  6. Wow, I just bought Kriega Kit for my US20 bag and I am really surprised that it doesn't work...I need to check it out asap.
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  7. I made a couple of really easy tweeks so you can use the new Kriega hooks. One done you can just leave straps fitted under the seat and just pull them out when you need to use your bags. Remove the pillion strap from the two brackets and attach the thinner grey (Kriega) straps. This gives you the two loops for the front. Replace the bolt under the saddle with an M8 collared eye bolt, stick a couple of nuts on so you can lock it. That gives you an anchor for the same thinner grey Kriega straps for the rear of the bag. As the saddle is soft you can put something along the edge so the straps don't dig in too much. The whole thing costs bugger all and takes no time to do.

    Let me know if you want any more help. I have used this several times in France and it has been fine. I planned to use it until Kriega come up with a solution.






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  8. This is how mine fit (apologies for the quality of the pics but I took these for @Rosso in a dark garage a few weeks ago)

    IMG_4602.JPG IMG_4615.JPG IMG_4616.JPG
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  9. Thanks for all the suggestions guys. Called Motohaus this morning and ordered a Ventura rack with a Mistral bag and it will be delivered tomorrow.

    I think the Kriega would of been ok for smaller lighter loads but it just didnt fill me with confidence re stability or bodywork damage when I'm throwing the bike around the Picos.

    Now time to sell the Kriega and 1299 fitting kit and get off to Spain. First trip abroad and can't wait.

  10. So Kriega fit for P1299 should work fine with lighter loads like single US20 bag?I can't believe that the could release product that doesn't work. Thanks
  11. I think everyone has had a different experience reading above but for me the 30 plus 2x20's was no good nor was a single 30 as the close positioning of the anchor points made it almost impossible to stop the bike moving.

    I was able to fit a single 20 securely but having it at righ angles rather than longways on the bike and that was ok if you strapped it down tight. You may even get away with a 10 on top of that.

    I think I maybe was expecting too much of it. The joys of touring on a sports bike! If only I could afford two bikes.
  12. I've gone Blaze panniers with a small NorthFace duffle bag strapped across the rear. Gives me ~80lts of storage and nice low profile over the rear of the bike.

    Enjoy Spain, lucky bugger.
  13. If you see a group of six bikes with a BMW S1000R at the front coming the other way, wave! I am over there from 20th. We are heading over to Catalunya to play in the mountains. I am not taking the 1299 this year in a vain attempt to keep the mileage down on it. I have already done 8k on it and it's only 18 months old.
  14. I know that feeling. I'm on 5k after 11 months. It's just so much fun I can't leave it alone.
  15. Hi,
    Dom from Kriega here.... not sure why you can't get the 1299 kit to work properly. There shouldn't be an issue in mounting the US70combo to the loops. The distance between the kit loops is around 5", which is large enough to get a solid fitting (the distance on my old 848 was less for example). Can you email me direct, [email protected] and I'll talk you through the fitting.
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  16. IMG_0811.JPG Quick update. My Ventura stuff arrived today. Looks like good quality stuff. The Mistral bag took everything that I was trying to fit into the Kriega 30ltr & 20ltr with room to spare.

    I'll fit it tomorrow or Friday and let you know what I think and post some photos.

  17. Hi JJ1299,
    Not sure why the post I did yesterday didn't go up. looks like it's a bit late now anyway?. For your benefit and other 959/1299 riders the new kit works fine with any of the multi-pack set ups. Without speaking to you directly it's difficult for me to give you feedback on how you are fitting the US70 combo. I'm guessing that the problem is that the middle/base pack the US30 is not being properly attached. For multi-bag set ups the base pack has to be cinched down to give a solid foundation to the add-on bags. Top tip is to push down on the corners of the bag as you cinch the buckle. Also on most race-reps the US30 is too long to fit inline with the bike. It can be mounted across the rear seat and the extra bags can then be added to the back and top. The fitting kit has been tested with all the multi-bag set ups and does work well. If you are near to our Deeside, North Wales location I can show you how to fit the bags, no problem. Here's some images of the kit and how it fits. The main single bag is the US20 and the cult-pack shot is the 40 combo set up.
    Best regards, Dom




    kriega-959-1299-fit kit-seat-off.jpg
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  18. Ventura kit fitted. Nice and simple to fit and I have to say I'm impressed. Had a couple of test rides throwing the bike around and the bag hasn't moved.

    Setting off on Sunday and I can't wait.

  19. This was my final solution which I have used for a few trips now and offers plenty of room. It's a combination of Ventura and Kriega.
  20. The Kreiga solution pushes you too far forward on the seat, which results in monkey butt. Which means you have to pack it correctly to avoid this, but it does work and I used it securely with a US20 and a US10 combined no problem.
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