Not looking forward to a morning in the workshop adjusting and extending the wiring loom on the project bike. It is a little cold out there with no heating!!!:frown:
Chickened out - made brackets and fitted stuff in stead. Fingers would not work small items at such temperatures.
Take the bike inside when I have a garage and two sheds - the end of it I would not hear (assuming I survived the initial concussion!!!) Picture of current state of play - with no bodywork and a strip and repaint required -
Looks good _ apart from the tax disc !! ( can't you tell Strictly is on ! ) I too have retreated indoors, also from loom work. I am fitting stick coils to the CBR 1000F in an effort to improve starting and cold idle. Awaiting tensioner bearings for the Hef-Lump. Must be time for some collapso !!
The box behind the engine is a hypermotard catalytic converter (not fully secured and a little squiff) fitted to see what it looks like. It has given me a few ideas though and may not look like this on completion. Agree with the tax disc - It is about the only thing not yet disturbed since starting the project!!
Get down to Maplin and buy yourself a heated jacket or waistcoat from £20. Might buy meself one for work, actually.
Ah, but keeping your core up to temperature will help your fingers to work, what with the blood being warmer and all. Or you could just buy a calor gas fire...
You win - I am just being a wimp. I'll man up from tomorrow. In the mean time got an engine top end to assemble.
Well got on with it - projector lights and LED tail/brake light now working :smile: Last real issue is mounting the nose fairing - job for tomorrow. Oh and deciding on the final version of the exhaust. Then all apart again for paint and polish!!!
It was all going so well!! Checked everything worked which it did thankfully - nose fairing fitted a treat. Need to make a screen as the standard does not look quite right. Decided I really do not like all the loom being in view (no fairing remember - so the loom is back out in total and a new scheme to hide the loom as much as possible is hatched.
Thanks for heads up Figaro I have just ordered heated gloves and waistcoat. I will let you know how they are once they arrive. 28 day money back guarantee , so worth a punt, I'm a terrible wimp in the cold.
Latest picture - hope link works!