One for the conspiracy theorists

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by XxAnthxX, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Did we land on the moon?

    Tonight 8pm on channel 5......unless your using Char's TV guide :wink:
  2. Ooh was watching film about Area 51 yesterday where they said some of the landings were filmed - Discovery Channel so must be true

    Frock On
    #2 Char, Dec 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2012
  3. foto-chicas-610x406.jpg

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  4. If it is the program I have seen before it is utterly convincing, which just goes to show you can make an utterly convincing tv program on just about anything imaginable.
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  5. I think a poll needs to be added to this thread. I want to know who the real loonies are :wink:
  6. Not more sheep rustling!!!!!
  7. You don't need a poll for that.......we're all M...m...mmmmaaaaaaaadddddd here! :tongue:

    Just need to get Char to check her TV guide to confirm! :biggrin:
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  8. Of course America didn't land on the moon. They where years behind the Russians then suddenly landed, look at the footage,there are no stars in the sky, who stayed to pan the camera on take off? They where never there !
  9. Remote control ............

    Anth we need poll please this might be fun.
  10. Oh yes they where :rolleyes:
  11. its behind you!
  12. Why has a woman never been to the moon? It doesn't need hoovering yet!!!!!! I humbly apologise and ill get me coat!
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  13. Can you retro add a poll to a thread?
  14. Of course the USA didn't land on the moon...........the idiots were going to nuke it only a few years earlier to prove to the USSR that the USA was more advanced....... they wouldn't have gone to the moon themselves in case the USSR nuked them while they were there.

  15. So if they didn't manage it, how come the Russians have never claimed foul? Surely they would have the most to lose yet they have never complained.
  16. I know!
    Cos Yuri Gagarin never orbited the Earth!
  17. Didn't Mythbusters cover most of the conspiracy theories in a special show and essentially disproved them all?
  18. Oh come on, someone has to swallow this hook line and sinker :upyeah:
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  19. The certainty that the USA landed on the moon is similar to Marylin Monroe having died of natural causes.
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